
At what price of gas, will you consider it not worth it to drive to your job?

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At what price of gas, will you consider it not worth it to drive to your job?




  1. I'm 9 km ( ~5.5 miles ) from work.  I can ( and do ) bicycle to work already during the nicer days in the summer.  Gas prices don't have much of a direct impact on me.  

    Indirectly is another story however ( due to the increased costs for manufacturing and shipping being passed down to the end consumer ).

  2. I just moved into town after living out of town for awhile.

    I figured out that before, the price of gas would have to reach $150/gal before I spent more driving to my job than I earned working there.

    Now at my new place, I can afford to wait until the price of gas reaches $900/gal, so I'll likely have to quit sometime in November.

    But it will actually have more of an effect on the price of everything else, not primarily for personal use. I'm talking shipping and transportation. How much of the food, goods, and services you buy depend on trucks to move equipment and supplies around? That's right, EVERYTHING. Those rising costs to operate a business get passed on to the consumer, which means everybody is affected.

  3. I only live a mile and 1/2 from work.(3 miles round trip)  -  My car gets about 21 miles per gallon.   - So I only use about 1/7 of a gallon per day.   - If gas hits $70 per gallon - It would cost me about $10.00  per day to drive to work - and I would probably consider walking or riding a bicycle more often.  

    It will probably be awhile before gas hits $70 per gallon, but it will happen eventually, as there is a fixed supply.  

    The long term solution  is  for cities to  encourage the building of much more housing within walking distance of where people work.  Unfortunately, where I live, the tax system encourages retail, because cities want the sale's tax  that it generates and the cities don't want housing, because it would require them to  build more schools and pay for the education of the children who would live there.

  4. Most owener operator truckers threw in the towel at 4.25-4.35/gallon for diesel.....think about it, they cant pay that with a vehicle they are using to make money, so how can you make it at 4/gallon on an $8-12 hour job

  5. its $3.99 Here in Ft. Wayne and I've decided to drive as little as possible. I work less than a mile away so I'm starting to walk now. This is getting out of control.

  6. I will lock the garage door and buy a scooter once the prices hit 5 bucks a gallon

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