
At what rank does a USMC infantryman stop going on combat missions?

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At what rank would a USMC infantryman stop going combat missions. I dont wanna stop fighting at a young age because im a high rank. I wanna fight for a while and maybe go into Marine Force Recon or MARSOC




  1. Probably colonel, and even then there would be situations when he would go on a mission.

  2. never, granted the higher rank you get the more choice you have in the matter, but as an infantryman and especially as Force Recon, combat is your job, and thats what you'll be doing all of your career unless you change your MOS.

  3. there is not really a rank where they don't go anymore!of curse,there are always more people with  lower rank than people with a higher rank!but there is really no line!

    hope i was able to help you!

  4. judging by your question I don't think you are in the Corps yet. This means you will have at least 4 years until you even need to worry about being "too high" of a rank. It will take you that long to make E-5. My Drill Instructors were E-6 and E-7 and both left for combat before I graduated.

  5. You really don;t want to fight. No one does. Some will because it has to be done, but want to do it???

  6. When I was in the Marines I noticed the 1st SGTS and up of enlisted guys mostly stayed back in the COC. With officers im not sure because I was never around them alot. I know if you are a CO or XO you go out a little bit but not much.

  7. Marine privates have been in combat.  So have marine generals.  a lot more privates than generals, however.

  8. A three star general was involved in combat in Iraq.

    You never get completely away from it but when I was in they seemed to completely disappear at LT Col.

  9. To be honest, you would have to retire before they stopped sending you.

    BTW, you won't be a high rank at a young age. its not like you will be 20 and a SGM.  

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