
At what stage did peoples bellies become obvious??

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How many weeks pregnant was everyone when they started to get an obvious pregnant belly?




  1. depends on the baby. at 6 months with my girls and this time my work clothes were starting not to fit at 6 weeks

  2. 3rd or 4th month

  3. My belly started showin about 16 weeks!

  4. you usually start to have a hump at 3 months but you can notice it really good at 4 months.

  5. At the end of my second month my belly started to pooch out.

  6. AROUND 20+ WEEKS  

  7. i started looking pregnant in the last 4/5 months before that i just looked like id eaten a big meal, to measure if your on the right track- measure (while lying on your back) from top of your pelvic bone to your belly button in cm it should be the same as how many weeks you are...

  8. m b***s got huge from day 1.. but i started showing that people started noticing a bit after 16 weeks.. before then i just looked a little bloated.. now im 29 weeks and have a round belly not huge but definetely noticable ! lol good luck  

  9. I started showing around 16 wks. People could really notice when I was about 20 wks.

  10. I didn't even show a little bit until I was 6 months with my first one, but as soon as I started to show I went from no belly to an obvious belly right away.  

  11. I was about 13 weeks when i noticed  

  12. Everybody is different.  I've know some people to show as early as 3 months but I didn't show until after 5 months.  

  13. I don't think it looks obvious to strangers until about 4 1/2 to 5 months. Before then, it just looks like you ate a big dinner or something. If you're carrying twins or triplets, it can show sooner, but multiples are usually smaller than single babies.

  14. everyone is different. some people hardly show at 9 months while others look like they are 9 months when they are really 5 or 6 it all just depends on your body

  15. I am 9 weeks and 2 days. My b***s are huge and hubby says he can notice a difference in my belly but I cant. So I think it is around the 12-14 week?

  16. At about 16 weeks after that people would ask me if i was having twins i had a big belly

  17. I'm 6.5 months pregnant and just started showing!

  18. it was obvious to me at 11 or 12 weeks cuz my clothes were so tight but now im 17 weeks and some ppl are starting to notice now depending on what i'm wearing  

  19. 17 weeks is when I really started to notice it, and now I'm almost 20 and if I wear fitting clothes then it's really noticeable.  When I'm in my "laying around the house" clothes no one would be able to tell though.

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