
At what stage in a dogs pregnancy should you be able to feel and see them move.?

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My dog is pregnant and I was wondering if anyone who has some breeding knowledge could help me. I wanted to know at what stage in her pregnancy should I be able to see and feel the puppies moving in her stomach. At present they are moving a lot and can be seen visually. In fact at times when she is lay in a certain way you can even make out the outline of a couple of the pups. I am ready for the birth if it is soon I have everything I need plus emergency vets number etc. She is a mastiff x akita so as you can imagine she is a big dog. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanx.




  1. The last trimester.  They stop moving (usually) the day or so before they are born.  It is like they have to save up energy or something, somehow they just know.

    You can pet, stroke and play with the pups before they are born and they will tolerate petting better later on.

    Next time record the breeding date so you will know when they are due.

    Live well and do good.

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