
At what stage is the New World Order in?

by Guest65787  |  earlier

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I mean what do you people think is there next step to forming there world order.




  1. Next stage is war with Iran. Gotta take down the opposition one by one. The current phase is the destruction of the USD, a prelude to the Amero.

  2. If you use the template outlined by Wendell Wilkie in his book "One World" we are a long way off. He was the Republican candidate for President in 1940. The UN organization he envisioned never came about. The realities of the Cold War blunted any real exercise of collective power by the Big Five. The closest his party ever came to  assisting in his dream was the passage of the UN Support Act in 1947 by a post-war Congress controlled by the Republicans. Even then the U.S. didn't adopt a robust posture in UN peacekeeping efforts until after the collapse of the Soviet Union despite the obligation imposed on it by Article 45 of the UN Charter to contribute troops to such missions.

    The only real advance has been the nearly endless prating by radio talk show hosts and their listeners on a topic they know so little about.

  3. Current Stage: Research & Development

    Next Stage: Collapsation of the USD(already in progress, not officially started)

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