
At what stage of evolution did humans begin to wear clothes?And what effect has it had on our bodies?

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At what stage of evolution did humans begin to wear clothes?And what effect has it had on our bodies?




  1. Probably when the world heated up after the last Ice Age  and all the hair fell off their monkey @sses

  2. Hi, i think we may of started to wear clothing very early on in the form of blankets/rugs I think cave men/woman swaddled there babys in animal skins/wool to  keep them warm.

    Also hunters used animal skins ,mud ,berry colouring and sometimes dung when they hunted.They would wear the skin of an  animal they wanted to catch  for food  as camouflage by doing this they could get realy close to a herd/or there pray without being spotted thus Increasing there chance of a meal.They wore skins on there feet .for protection

    This enabled them to travel for longer distances,move around more and follow herds of wild not sure what stage in evolution this happend,is it relavent? Maybe!

    It seems that most clothing was used as a form  of protection camoflarge,servival,or to  attract a mate.

    Hunters/cave men also used smell and colour as part of there clothing/disguse.Just like we still do today.(makeup and perfume)

    Clothes colour and smell provok deep feelings within us.

    Good or bad it is very potent.

    we are all animals at the end of the day and all different species of animals use simmiler  methods of survival even plants .Humans have equired tequeniques from other animals,maybe its in our DNA to do this just like its in a trees to shed its leaves in the winter and blossem in the spring  its all related in some way.

    Different tribes wore different make up so they could recgonise who was who ,some even had there own colours and head wear.

    Head wear is a very important symbol/type of clothing it can tell a person who or what they do in the society/tribe they belong/live in.Some tribes used a song or type of dance as part of ther identity.

    These were used in ceromonies at different times of the year.

    Wearing clothes has  had  a dramatic effect on our socity ,lifestle and mind which in turn has effected our bodies i think.

    Your question is fantastic.

    IM not sure  if anyone realy knows  what stage in evolution we started wearing clothes maybe we always have , a difficult concept for some people to comprehend ,us humans like to know the time when events start and stop,it makes us feel more secure about life.. All iknow is that clothes are incredibly imprtant to our survival.

    Sorry i couldnt answer your question fully.Im not sure if anyone out there can.

    lol rach

  3. This is not determined because Homo Erectus, probably the immediate ancestor of Homo Sapien & Neandertal, almost surely had to wear animal skins to make their migration through the Mid East & to Asia more than 1 million years ago.

    Homo Erectus used fire & obviously did some hunting, so it is probable they used the skins for warmth about 1.5 million years ago.

    Chuckle, then again the regional hypothesis could have a differing opinion.

    As to the effect it had on our bodies, I suspect it allowed less hair & may have attributed to lightening of the skin to allow more sunlight to create Vitamin D.  Dark skin blocks sunlight & too little vitamin D will cause rickets... keeping females from producing children.


    Tommy ignores the fact that Homo Erectus migrated through some very hostile climate & the Neandertal (appearing ~200,000 yrs before Sapien) was sometimes burried wearing animal skins.

  4. actually the answer is simple....some of these people don't really understand the evolution timeline.  Homo sapiens are the first species to wear clothing.  that is the point in the evolutionary chain.  it is not known exactly which decade, but homo sapiens have been on this earth for about 130,000 years.  Homo erectus existed anywhere from 2 million -- 0.4 million years ago, at which point they were NOT wearing clothing of any has been around for no more than 2500 years....and you could barely call that clothing....

  5. when the weather got cold,,,,,, had no effect at all as humans still only wear clothes for modesty? fashion and to keep warm they are not needed in a tropical climate.

  6. The very first article of clothing ever worn, was the belt. However, it was worn prior to any homonid migration out of Africa, and most likely by pre-humans (Homo Sapiens)...

    The purpose of the belt was to carry tools long distances, while being able to keep one's hands free...

    Later, the wearing of animal skins over ones shoulders, contributed to gradual bodily hair loss...

  7. Are you talking about modesty? When did we begin to wear clothes due to modesty or for need? If it is for need then it probably started when we needed to protect ourselves from the elements or from scraping ourselves  on branches and such.... no one wants to get stuck there by a thorn or dried out bush.... ouch. Also we would have used the skins of animals to guard us against the cold. I hope this is the answer that you are looking for. Probably between the stages of homo sapien and Neanderthal. Neanderthals wore scant clothing and decorative ornaments.

  8. im sure the guys were mad

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