
At what time does your school start and end?

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mines wake up at 6:3oam and be there at 7:20am the it ends at 2:10pm




  1. my school starets ar 8.40 and ends at 3.30 =]

  2. 8:00 to 2:30 with a 72 min. lunch

  3. 9.00-3.00

  4. Well, I sleep in depending on how I slept the night before (I have medical issues that keep me up half the nights). I am always up by 9:30, so I start school between 7 and 10. I usually do about 4-6 hours a day, but am very flexible on my schedule (on of the benifits of homeschooling!). My friends come over at like 3 about 2 days a week just to hang out.

  5. it varies from day to day. not so important to me. as long as I cover all of the things planned and get in at least 4 hrs a day (everyday) then we're happy. if my child is showing a particular enthusiasm for a particular project, we may go on all day. I own my own business so I can play with my schedule as I wish.

  6. Ummm, you realize you are in the Home school section, right?

    My kids wake up around 7:30, "school" starts between 9 and 9:30. Most days we are done by about 1pm. Then they are free to follow there own interests or hang out with their friends.

  7. i wake up at 6:00am for the bus at 6:45am.  I get to school at 7:10am.  School starts at 7:30am and ends at 2:30Pm.  I get home at 3:00pm.  (high school in ohio)

  8. School starts at 9 and depending on the day, ends between 1 and 3. That is, of course, unless you count dance classes, church group, girl scouts or anything else that happenes the rest of the day...its 24/7 most of the time. But, schedualed time starts at 9.

    It is real hard to define when "school" is most of the time because learning can happen anywhere. But I make sure my daughter is up, showered, dressed and feed to start at nine.

  9. starts at 8:10

    gets out at 2:00

  10. I go to Bret Harte Middle School in Oakland. It starts at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 3:15 p.m. During Wednesdays, you start at still but ends at 1:25 p.m.

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