
At what time of day is an army most likely to make an attack?

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At what time of day is an army most likely to make an attack?




  1. Some saddistic time like 3:00am.

  2. It depends on what, who, and how they are attacking.

    In some cases, they may want to attack just after sunrise IF they were attacking from the east since that would put the sun in the enemy's eyes. Of course the opposite (when the sun was low) if they were attacking from the west.

    In other cases, they may want to attack at night so they could surprise the enemy out of the dark or while they were asleep.

  3. At the time it's least expected.

  4. Between 2 and 4 am.  Its when the enemy will be deepest in sleep; after 4 am in summer time its just before dawn allowing for expanding operations during the developing dawn and day.  It also allows for pre positioning of materials under cover of darkness the night before the assault.

  5. Early in the morning, or late at night when there is no moon.

  6. sometimes it could be random (some send scouts to scout the area and tells there commanders when the enemy is sleepy or weary)

  7. Historically, a great many attacks were carried out at dawn, when the enemy's sentries have only just woekn up and are manning their posts with less-than-maximum efficiency.

    In terms of modern combat, on the other hand, it doesn't matter so much thanks to electronic communications.

    So, in response to your question: When the allied artillery stops firing.

  8. 1.  When the enemy least expects it.   That could be at any time.   The IDF Air Force attacks on Arab military air fields at the start of the 1967 Six Day War was an excellent example of catching the enemy when they least expected it.

    #2.  At the time that will give you the most advantage.   For example,  since the US Army and Marines have so much invested in night vision systems and most other nations do not,  hitting the other side after dark on a night with no moon is to their advantage as the other side will have a hard time seeing what is going on.

    #3.  At a time when you know the other side is occupied with something.  For example,  the Arab nations hitting Israel in 1973 during Yom Kippur,  the most holy day of the Jews.  The Jews were in the synagogues and it took time to get to their units after the attack.  They came close to losing that war.  

  9. Consider suset, dawn and or middle of the night as best options.  Everyone sleeps, eats and performs personal hygeine.  Taking advantage of any one human charactersistic brings appeal to the times we strike.

  10. What ever time of day the conditions are right for the mission at hand.  

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