
At what time of night would the roads be the most deserted?

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On a country road outside of a small city in West Virginia? Bearing in mind that there is a biker festival being held at the end of the country road, and that all events end at 8:30 PM at said festival?




  1. Offhand I'd guess around 5:00 AM to 7:00 AM, because

    the bikers usually get drunk, so by then they'd be done

    ripping around and sleeping it off. You didn't say if the bikers

    would be camping out at the festival or staying somewhere

    in town, or if they closed the place where the festival was at

    a certain time. If so, like if they closed the park at midnight,

    then probably 12:00 AM til 6:00 AM would be a safe bet.

    (BTW I'm from WV )

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