
At what time will the SAT scores from June 7th be posted today?

by  |  earlier

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I know they are online June 26th, which is today, but what time will the come online because I'm anxious!




  1. 8 am eastern time

  2. Hmm... I had never taken the SATs before the 7th, so I'm not really sure as to when they'll be up. I've been looking for other people asking questions like this for the past hour, though, and from the answers I have read, it seems like they'll be up sometime between 7 and 8 AM.

    I am very anxious to find out what I got... I've been looking at the clock all day in anticipation to see my score! I was thinking that they'd post it right at midnight EST, meaning that it'd be 9PM PST, where I am at. I checked, and it wasn't up yet. It's not 12:49PST, and they're still not up. Ugh!

    I wanted to stay awake until I saw them too. Then again, at least I get to sleep tonight!

    I hope you did well on your SATs, though. :] :] :]

  3. Scores are now out.

  4. around now???

  5. im waiting too..

  6. Dude this question has been asked like 8 million times, i believe the 4th question below is the same thing!

    No one knows, but i got mine in march when i woke up around 630 so who knows how long they were up for

  7. *****... d**n reading!

    math 600 arghhhhh

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