
At what volume does sewage become an issue to the environment? Is there a cut off point?

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At what volume does sewage become an issue to the environment? Is there a cut off point?




  1. No, there is no cutoff point because there are too many variables.  If you are talking raw untreated sewage, a few hundred gallons in a small creek can be a problem.  For treated sewage, you will be talking millions of gallons.  If you are talking a large river, it would not even notice that 100 gallons of raw sewage.  Volume, type of sewage, receiving stream, treatment level, type of receiving stream, all impact the result.

  2. It depends where the sewage ends up.  In Walkerton Ontario a lot of raw sewage from cattle farms washed into the drinking supply and a lot of people died of E-coli poisoning.

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