
At work a man keeps kissing me...?

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Where i work we run a conference room aswell as our business, one of the men who have a contract with us to use the room came in today and grabbed my face and kissed me on the lips i was so shocked and he did it infront of his trainers etc...i told my boss who was a bit concerned but we laughed it off, my boss then left this evening and i was cleaning up the office and he was just leaving and again grabbed my face and kissed me. I've never seen him do this to anyone else and dont feel comfortable with it but dont know what to say, should i get my boss to speak to him? i dont want to offend him but its upset me.




  1. Listen young lady, I don't care if you are drop dead gorgeous and a high street honey, no man should just grab you like that and give you a kiss in front of everyone.

    Tell your boss, tell his boss, tell him if he does it again you'll have him up for harassment.

  2. What friggin planet are you on? Sue the a*****e.

  3. This is called sexual harassment you need to tell your boss you don't like this and that it offends you and if it doesn't stop and/or gets worse you need to go to the police what if this guy ends up a crazy person who falls in love with you and starts stalking you or even worse.

  4. I think your behavior is discribing that you are not shocked and you are little comfortable in fact you are happy with his activity so pls meet him again and find his attitude and habits and say him for marrige and pls don't tell this to people. God Bless u wish u good luck

  5. That highly unusual.......if it bothers you, make a formal complaint about it.         There's laws against sexual harrassment in the workplace.               But talk to him first so he understands you aren't comfortable with it.        There's a difference between romantic kissing and harrassment kissing in the workplace.

  6. If he tries to do it again, you must tell him 'No'. If you see him again, you must say to him that you are asking him not to do that again and tell him how you feel about it.

    He will definitely be surprised that you feel that way. If he reacts in the right way he will immediately apologise, give some explaination of his strange and misguided thinking of why he did it in the first place.  Whatever his reason, you need to tell him not to do it and he needs to back off.

    You should also tell your boss.  You need to protect yourself - he could file a different complaint.  

    Any further approach from him at all and then you need to immediately go to your boss and tell him to deal with it.  If he has not got the message first time, it could easily risk escalating into something more threatening.  and if not you, it could be someone else.

  7. tell your boss.

    its harassment.

    Good luck !!

  8. This guy is kissing you on the lips against your will and you're worried about OFFENDING him??? HUH? It is illegal it is harassment and it is sexual harassment and you can send him to jail for this. You need to tell him point blank you do not want him to touch you at all and if he does he will force you to take the matter further. By not saying anything to him he thinks it's OK so it is up to you to defend yourself and let him know how you feel and what the consequences are.

  9. You don't want to offend him??

    Let me guess, you are new, young and pretty, right?

    What has he done to you then?? I would knee him where it hurts next time and see if he laughs it off, this is sexual harassment.

  10. Break away from this man and then suggest that you will be reporting his actions to your boss and should he do it again you will take legal action against him for an attempt at rape. For this is what it is although a few points less than the actual rape. Also have with you a letter to this man outlining what action you will take and before giving it to him date and sign it. Do the same in his presence with a copy for you to keep.

  11. i would tell your boss again that is rude.Or if you tell your boss and he does not do anything about it, take it into your own hands and tell him you will take the situation to the cops.

  12. You can either have your boss speak to him or you can tell tell the guy you're filing a sexual harassment suit against him.  No contract is worth your dignity.

  13. that's sexual abuse

  14. If your boss was concerned before I'm sure he'll take action if you tell him again, then perhaps the guy will leave you alone, don't stay quiet, we're WOMAN! :)

  15. If you don't want him to kiss you then tell him so! Take control, for God's sake, girl!

    If he persists then buy some Mace and give him a slap. Dirty pervert.

  16. This constitutes sexual harassment.  If your boss laughs it off the company for which you're employed is condoning it.  I would immediately contact your human resources department and file a complaint to end it once and for all.  

    Actually, grounds for a sexual harassment lawsuit do exist.  It's your call.

  17. This has gone on too long already.   The first time this occurred you should have told him stop and not to do it anymore.   As this has continued you should report this your HR representative immediately.   This type of behavior is totally unacceptable whether by an employee or a contractor or even a client.   Sexual Harassment covers a lot. However, if you look at it as any unwelcome behavior of a sexual nature I am sure you will agree that this definitely comes into this realm.   At this point I would not confront him.  You are already uncomfortable in the situation.  Have someone else (HR) handle the situation.   Your boss may have already reported it but you say you both laughed it off my guess he didn't.  You have done nothing wrong and this is not your fault.   Contact HR immediately before you encounter this individual again.  If you are part of a small company and don't have an HR rep speak with your boss, if necessary print out all of these replies so that he can see how serious a situation this is.  This has to stop.

  18. tell you boss, this is sexual harassment. he is far beyond the red line

  19. Go to Human Resources immediately and report him. This is rude, unprofessional, crude and just plain wrong.  

  20. kick him in the balls, or be violent. just joking, make a formal complaint, that's actually sexual harrassment

  21. let your boss know  do not worry about offending him the bloke is an idiot you could have him for assult do not let him get away with this

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