
At your wedding, do you tip the vendors?

by  |  earlier

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I'm getting married in a few weeks, and I have heard mixed answers if you are supposed to tip the DJ, Photographer, Videographer, etc.. Some say just the DJ, some say not at all...Help!! And if you ARE supposed to, how much??




  1. My father tipped all the Waiters at my wedding, they worked so hard!

  2. it can go either way. As a general I suggest just tipping out the Maitre 'D

    Remeber your vendors as a general are being fed at your cost. You are also paying them to work your event.

  3. I only tipped out DJ about $50 I think. We didn't tip anyone else because we spent so much already it seemed like too much to tip ontop of it all.


  4. DO NOT TIP THEM...they're being paid enough to be at the wedding...they're working. If some of your guests wants to tip the bartender or DJ, that's fine but it's no obligation to you to tip them.

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