
Atendance for first grade?

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Do you have to have a doctor's note if your son has a cold and can't go to school? Or just a parent note?

I usually call in but does that excuse them? They direct me to the attendance person




  1. i wouldn't think you need to give them a dr note. there are plenty of times i know my child is sick and i don't take hime in...why spend the Co-pay and lose time from work if i already know what he has. Now if it happens constantly they might ask. but all your note has to say is "name" may return to school. Due to HIPPA regulations they cannot require more than that

  2. It depends on your school policy. For that age I would assume, yes, ith a parent note it would be excused. Im sure if they fealt you were abusing the parent excuse they would probably want to know what was going on and may want a dr note.

    Usually, if the child was missing enough to raise that red flag, you would have already had them to a dr anyway.

    Im sure you are fine.

  3. It sounds like they may have a separate person who handles the attendance.  Usually a phone call will be sufficient, unless the student is out for more than a couple of days.  Then you will probably need a doctors note.

    Most schools follow similar rules for attendance that your boss will require at work. ie. if you'r out for more than 3 days you will need a dr. note or visit.

    The best bet is to talk with either the office staff at your child's school or the Principal.

  4. Come on its 1rst grade. Just call in.

  5. a parents note

  6. I think it would be fine, to just send him in with a parents note.

    they should also tell you if its excused or not, which it should be.

    if he is very ill, and goes to the doctor, he would need a note from the doctor.

  7. Kids tend to miss more school than adults do work. It depends on the setup of the family of course. If a mother has to take the baby to the doctor for example and it is a day trip, the child will be pulled from school, even though it is not that child's appointment. There are times that school kids miss school depending on the household he or she comes from. I am single and live in an isolated area... so my daughter comes with me to the city for my own dentist appointments if I can't find someone to take care of her at lunch and after school. Sometimes it happens. I dont' usually give reasons. I just say 'she is unable to attend today' or I will just say 'she is sick' everytime. My life and my schedule is not their business. They are worried about her education, not what I do and where I take her.

    I just call in and I assume she is excused. She rarely misses, but when she does, I assume she is excuses because I called in.

  8. In our school district, parents are asked to call in the absence by 9:00 in the morning.  You are to send a note in stating the reason for the absence and the date when they return.  Mine always say this: "Please excuse ____________ from class yesterday (include date) as he was ill."  For the 1st 5 absences in the 9 week period, a parent note is sufficient.  However, if they miss more than 5 days due to illness, they will need a doctor's excuse.  I hope that helps.

  9. You have to have a doctors note if they are out for more then a certain amount of days.  Where I's 3 days but many times schools don't even follow up.  I never write a note and some times I dont even call.

  10. Ask someone what the policy is.  Parental call should be fine.  It's only first grade after all.

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