
Atheism ,morality and anthropology?

by Guest33612  |  earlier

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many(if not the majority) of racist people use atheism and evolution to justify their racist belief. some say since black people are the most monkey like they are inferior and less evolved,and asians are more evolved and superior to blacks and whites superior to all other races since they look least like monkeys.

i don't believe in that i am a Christian and seeing history hasn't atheism lead to racism and hate and hasn't Christianity lead to liberty(real Christianity not fake ones that don't follow the doctrine found in the BIBLE) for example look how lincoln used the BIBLE to free slaves and how mlk jr. used the scriptures to be against segregation and same goes with jfk.

i don't want you to think this is just a speech so here is the question...

has atheism lead to a degradation in moral standards and misunderstanding of races and their origins?




  1. You need to put periods at the end of your sentences.

    Otherwise, I think I agree.

  2. Lincoln wouldn't have freed the slaves if the south had not gone to war. Yes, MLK, Jr. reminded Christians to be Christians but what did JFK do?  Johnson had his war on poverty that didn't work but I believe that was his idea, not JFK.  During the 60s, the Russians were insulting the US for the way blacks were being treated causing politicans to have to do something.  Thank the Soviets, not 60s politicans.

  3. People were bigots before evolution what first theorized.  If anything, it has reduced it by showing how closely related we all are.  You can be religious and scientific and that doesn't mean the intelligent design nonsense.  It is that sort of intolerance, "If you don't think like me, you are immoral", that leads to misunderstandings about races more than science does.

  4. No. The rest of your paragraph is just incoherent babble!

  5. Interesting that the "bible belt" states were the ones that had segregation.

    Interesting that slavery began in times LONG before Darwin.

    If anything, atheism has allowed people to investigate human origins and be able to prove scientifically to a doubting public that humans of all races are equal.

    Being racist and being an atheist are not automatic.  I can list off FAR more racist people who are very religious than I can people who are atheist and racist.

    Racism is based on IGNORANCE, not on what you believe spiritually.

  6. Im a Christian and i never thought id be doing this, but i agree with the Atheist's Atheism doesnt mean they are racist.

  7. Where do you get your information??  I'm pretty sure you just made up all of that bull ****.

  8. I know many atheists, and not once have i ever even heard of this claim that you make about seeing black people as less evolved.

    Atheism does NOT mean having no morals, it strictly means that a person doesn't believe in god.  This dosent make them immoral, let alone racist.

    I agree that many Christian people have led to liberty, but many have done just the opposite.  Havent you ever heard of fanatics who blow up abortion clinics with people inside?  Plenty of Christian people are racist (cough Hitler cough), just as some atheists are.

    So the answer to your question is: no.  Atheism hasnt led to any racism or immortality and more then Christianity has.  It's people that lead to these things, individuals, not entire faiths

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