
Atheist and Unbelievers Have All Your Questions Answered?

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I've noticed that most people that come on R&S ask questions about Christianity or want a Christian perspective on (blank) issue. If you really want to know what we believe. Go to this website.

The Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry

-Till He Returns

God Bless




  1. Cool website.

    Now, if you want even more answers please check this one out:

  2. Yu keep waitin for that return there fellar!  

  3. Of course all my questions have been answered.  That's why I'm atheist.

  4. Right on!!!

  5. I'm here for the punch.

  6. My questions keep getting deleted.

  7. I used to be a Christian so I'm pretty sure I'm familiar with the "Christian perspective", but thanks anyway..

  8. It's not about us. I, for one, try to bring some thought to Christians, because I want to make something good... or because I'm one of the victims of Christianity.

    I do it because I feel good about myself whenever I help someone out of delusion and I want to erase all religions. The world would be so much better/friendlier/comfortable that way.

  9. You really believe atheist ask questions because we don't' know the answers, Tisk tisk.  

  10. So... why doesn't it mention how Shiva and Dionysus fit in?

  11. I am here for fun ..... and not to attack Christianity

  12. Ha ha ha carm. Funny. The people who lie about evolution ( ), lie about and misrepresent atheism ( ), and they are going to give me answers?

    Too funny.

  13. The only response you will get is "God doesn't exist". Let them be blinded if they want to be blinded

    Thanks for the link though

  14. No offense, but what questions?

  15. Because going to a website tell people what they teach. It says nothing about why someone chooses to believe it.

  16. Trust me , Atheists know Christianity more than you do , that's Why they're Atheist , they knew too much ,  curiosity kills the cat lol .

  17. You believe because you are gullible and fear that if left to your own devices, you would be a bad person and contribute negatively to society.  You NEED religion to keep you in line.

    We do not need someone holding our hand every step of the way making sure we are good people.  We are good people to the core, and have no doubts.

    I hope someday you decide to take the red pill....  THE MATRIX HAS YOU!.... or something.

  18. "By the way our faith comes from God."

    No; it comes from programming and or FEAR.

    It’s like a cop arresting someone and saying; although I have no proof, I have faith that you did it.

    Wikipedia has this to say about faith:  Faith is a belief in an idea that is unsupported, or contradicted, by evidence.

    Dan Barker: Faith is a cop-out. It is intellectual bankruptcy. If the only way you can accept an assertion is by faith, then you are conceding that it can't be taken on its own merits.

    Pat Condell: Faith is nothing more than the deliberate suspension of disbelief; it’s an act of will; it’s not a state of grace; it’s a state of choice.

    Anonymous: Faith is what your preacher says you must have so that you’ll believe all the other stuff he wants to tell you.

    Martin Luther: Reason must be deluded, blinded, and destroyed. Faith must trample underfoot all reason, sense, and understanding, and whatever it sees must be put out of sight and ... know nothing but the word of God.

    Martin Luther: Reason is the greatest enemy that faith has; it never comes to the aid of spiritual things, but... more frequently than not... struggles against the divine Word, treating with contempt all that emanates from God.

    I won't go on; I'm sure you get the idea.

    Faith is no more than a vivid imagination and or wishful thinking.

    It's children's stuff.


  19. nope

  20. what is faith? complete belief in something without any proof that it is accurate? good for you.  

  21. CARM?

    This is the best you can do?

    CARM is c**p.

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