
Atheist here, with a question for Christians?

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OK, lets imagine that the world ends tomorrow, and it turns out you were all correct after all. There is a God, there is a Heaven....and there is a h**l! What I want to know is, when you lot are all let in the pearly gates, and we (along with the homosexuals of course!) are all rounded up and put in a cattle truck for our journey to h**l, how many of you would have a good gloat and say "Told you so" and thoroughly enjoy your moment or triumph, and how many of you would be horrified at our fate, and want us to be forgiven, and to be let into Heaven.

And dont forget, it is a sin to lie, so I want honest answers.




  1. hmm i dunno what to say, im afraid i'll be riding with you guys...who knows

    but i know the purest evil will only go to h**l, they'll be chance for half-evils...i think

  2. No, that's not how we feel about it..If we did we wouldn't bother trying to tell you the good news of how to avoid h**l.. You can be forgiven, however you have to repent to recieve...How many are willing to admit their lifestyles are sinful?

  3. Anyone who beleives in "h**l" is dillusional.

  4. I gotta say, generally these answers are not as bad as I expected.

    Only one reflected the total indifference to other peoples suffering I have come to expect from the really rotten fundies.

    There was even someone who seemed uneasy with the idea of h**l per se. That's rather heartening.

  5. There would be nothing to gloat about, if anything we'll feel guilty that we didnt share the gospel to those people

  6. Only God can judge who He feels is worthy of our Heavenly home.  And if He judges against you, so be it.  However I will not be giving a thought to those who are not welcomed in... I will be basking in the Glory of our Lord and enjoy reuniting with my loved ones who have passed away.

    Sorry, but you'll not be on my mind.

    Actually, my wiccan friend and I have already discussed this.  As she doesn't believe in Heaven, she's not really worried.  And I told her I was looking forward to seeing what she would be reincarnated as!

  7. I would say, "Now Odin, you wrote a pretty awful book.  You have to give me that one."

  8. Lets put it on the table, Mabel. We will not gloat. We will mourn for those who go to h**l. So will the Lord . He gets no pleasure punishing anyone . God is loving and merciful and is not willing that any should perish  But you see , he must punish sinners. This is his perfect nature. If you read the Bible cover to cover, believe  and really understand the message you then will understand this as well. You owe it to yourself to read the Bible or why not read what a big time skeptic wrote after he went about to prove God did not exist. Read the Case for Christ or the case for Faith both by Lee Strobel. Your eternal destiny is very important. Don't you owe it to yourself to truly investigate it to the best of your ability?        

  9. To be honest, unless they got over themselves quick and acted more respectful and humbled--I couldn't care less where they go. : )

  10. I would not be happy or sad, you would be getting what you said you wanted all along.

  11. If we are allowed to see such a thing, I could only imagine feeling horrified!  I've often wondered if that is the context in which Jesus says He will wipe the tears from our eyes.  Never to cry again.  Then, we will enjoy Him forever and ever.

  12. I personally would never wish that on anyone, I would feel sorry for you and pray that you would be let out, but in the Bible, Jesus also says that He will go down to h**l and free every soul. I am a Christian. But some Christian's don't really believe there is a h**l. God says the only way to eternal life is with Him in Heaven, so how can you be trapped eternally in h**l? I hope you find love in God soon.

    Peace ><>

  13. "how many of you would be horrified at our fate, and want us to be forgiven, and to be let into Heaven."

    That is the reason we witness.

  14. What reason is there to gloat?  People choose to go to h**l so if that's where you end up it's where you chose to be.  So if I'm in Heaven and you're in h**l we're both where we wanted to be, no need fore either of us to gloat.

  15. My heart aches at the thought that anyone should die without Christ, that is anyone. I can't imagine being happy and gloating. The thought of anyone having to spend eternity separated from this awesome love is horrible. I come here to answer questions in hope and with prayer that someone would turn and see the wonderful love that Christ has for us. How great is the mercy of God. Not only I but also God in Christ desires for all to receive salvation.

    As Paul wrote:

    "...This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; who would have all men to be saved, and come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, one mediator also between God and men, himself man, Christ Jesus, who gave himself a ransom for all; the testimony to be borne in its own times;  whereunto I was appointed a preacher and an apostle (I speak the truth, I lie not), a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and truth. I desire therefore that the men pray in every place, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and disputing."1 Tim 2:2-8  

  16. Speaking as a christian who does not believe in a literal h**l: I'll see you in heaven!

  17. I would not say anything. You would already know everything you need without me putting it in your face. It is not Christ-like to gloat at someone tormented, no matter how wrong they were. Compassion is what we strive for, not trying to get even or be right.

    In the long run, YOU will have to come to terms with your own question of "if we are right".

  18. Anyone who would "gloat" over the ill fate of another person is probably not a true Christian himself.  Everyone should be "horrified" at the thought of someone spending eternity in the Lake of Fire.

    However, "now" is the time to believe, trust, and accept Christ and be saved.  Once a person dies, or the current age ends, there is no second chance.

    Turn to Christ now and receive your redemption.  Then you will understand what I am saying.  You should then have a heart for evangelism and never gloat that someone does not have what you have.

  19. I think you're forgeting that atheists are America's most hated majority.  Ask yourself why and who makes us so and you wouldn't need to ask this question.  Now, watch the hypocritical answers roll...

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