
Atheist of yahoo- why is christianity the only religion you make fun of?

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  1. christians are the hateful ones.

    just because a magic book written by a guy says to hate g*y people, everyone believes it?

    and i think theres something in their about interracial relationships 2.

    the REAL god wouldnt want you to hate people because of the way they were born or who they love.

    im not an atheist

  2. Oh I make fun of them all.  You guys just put yourself out there as targets a lot more.

  3. They have the stronger voices, and they need to be cut down a notch or two, lest we end up living our lives according to their bible.  All power-trippers need to be restrained.

  4. It isn't.

  5. It's a counter-attack.  Christianity is the only religion trying to push its way  through politics and schools where I live.

  6. It's the only religion that I feel oppressed by. I left America because I couldn't marry my girlfriend...and it sure wasn't the Jews or the Hindus or the Muslims who keep same-s*x marriage illegal there.

  7. It's not, but I used to be a christian, so I know the material.

    Plus, it is friggin hilarious.

  8. it's the biggest target (based on numbers)

    i should make it clear that it's not the ONLY religion i poke holes at.

  9. Because the others mind their business.

  10.    It isn't personal. I do not believe in any gods and call all superstition ridiculous. Christianity tends to get more attention because it is the predominate religion in our culture and attempts more and more control over our lives.

      If the Pagans or the Muslims start insisting we teach their religion as science in the public school classrooms, they will also get my attention.  

  11. From my experience, no other religion proselytizes or witnesses to me.  No other religion insists that I believe as they do.  No other religion threatens me with their belief in hellfire and eternal torture if I do not believe as they do.

  12. cause it's one of the silliest, and Christians make up a good amount of R&S, so we have a lot to refute.  we also like to make fun of scientology, there aren't just many scientologists here.

  13. Any belief in a god is a joke. How can you believers be so gullible?

  14. because there are all loser and have nothing better to do i say if it makes that individual happy to look foward to going to heaven let them be if a religon makes that person a better indivdual then let it be

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