
Atheist: why do you think the bible is a fairy tale?

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with everything in the extreme these days like the bible talked about in the end of days

(war on a much destructive level, science, starvation, nuclear bombs, rise of the Antichrist who will to many people, think he will be the solution most of the problems the world is facing right now.)

why do you think it's a fairy tale.




  1. Have you actually read that load of tripe?  If you did, did you think about what it was saying and ask yourself "does this sound logical or does this sound like it was written buy someone from the iron age that could only explain the unknown with superstitious beliefs"?

  2. > everything in the extreme these days like the bible talked about in the

    > end of days

    You really need to read history.

    Start with World War 2, if that wasn't the jewish apocalypse of the book of revelations, I don't think there ever will be one.

    Now, that was a war of utter death and destruction. anything modern pales into insignificance. In that war, they actually used those nuclear weapons.

  3. Well...  it's all rather silly. man and woman appear out of thin air? a talking bush? an ark that holds 2 of every animal?

    ... oh an by the way.. the sea was only red because of an algal bloom known as red tide.

  4. A fairy tale will have stories such as the following:

    The world was created in 6 days and the all powerful God had to rest on the 7th day.

    The first woman was created from a man's rib.

    Humankind was separated from their God because they ate an apple.

    This God sent His son to be sacrificed as an offering to save people from their evilness.

    The dead awaken.

    People walk on water.

    Evil spirits posses people.

    Four evil horsemen will ride across the earth at the end of all times.

    How could you ever think the Bible was anything but a fairy tale?

  5. Another think you have to remember is the bible wasn't written until 70 years after the stories were pasted down. Have you ever played the game telephone? There is a reason why the message at the end is different then the original message. Also I really think those that wrote the bible couldn't explain very normal experiences. I do think Jesus was a person but not a god, I'm glad that these stories make people happy today but honestly it's not real the bible is mythology.

  6. The bible mentioned nuclear bombs?

    That would impress me.

  7. People are going to say earths self destruction is inevitable and a r****d can predict that but the strange thing is that it was predicted when nobody knew of such things.

  8. No it is not just a fairytale but a horrifying bestselling book in history.

  9. I've been interested in myths, fairytales, folklore and related matters since I was a child. There are parallels within myths from many peoples.

    Even Armageddon is paralleled in Norse mythology as Ragnarok, both resulting in a new world, the old one having been replaced.

    Revelation was written in and for the 1st century, and was largely a rant against the Roman Empire. The number of the Beast was part of numerology, a kind of sacred or magical code, telling those who could understand it that the Beast was the Roman Emperor Nero. The mark of the Beast was needed for people to buy things - maybe Roman coins with the Emperor's head on it, or some sort of documentation? And the w***e of Babylon, who was a city on 7 hills; clearly a figure for Rome.

    What was prophesied was meant to happen soon, in the 1st century. It has nothing to do with now. It didn't happen, and is fundamentally no different from the myths of other nations and religions.

  10. The bible is nonsense. And what you are saying about the "end of days" was thought to be true in all the centuries before, too. They always said "oh things are so bad now with war and famine and pestilence and witches and satan" but in fact all the time the world went on as usual. And it will continue to do so.

  11. Because there's nothing to suggest that it is anything more. I mean, for all we know the Bible could be just and old version of Harry Potter or other work of fiction.

  12. Parts of the Bible are fable. Like Noah and the Ark etc.

    But I dont think its a fairy tale, and I am a Christian, and also accept that evolution has had it role in this world also. Guided by God.

    I dont pretend to know everything.

    History however has had many disasters worse than what we are experiencing now. The plague for one wiped out a third of Europe. Starvation was more common in history than now....there have always been "anarchists" who claim they are right....Christan use to be killed for their beliefs! Science is always around, its a part of life.

    Chill. Its not the "end of days"    

  13. In the year of the scavenger, season of the *****

    Sashay on the board-walk, scurry to the ditch

    Just another future song, lonely little Keats

    There's gonna be sorrow, try and wake up tomorrow

  14. Because the bible says that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree.

  15. Because the things it never happened or have been grossly exaggerated, just like a fairytale.

  16. Look, we're all entitled to our own beliefs.  But you should know that God didn't write the bible, humans did, and humans are flawed.  Plus how do you explain all the other religions that existed long before Christianity was invented.

  17. Be you can look at the various end of times doom's day points of view and they fit all centuries. It is subjective. None of the bible scholars can agree with each other as to what they mean. That is why there are over 2000 sects of Christianity. you all hate each other and condemn each other for going to h**l for not interpreting the bible correctly.If you look at Christianity, it makes no sense. The interpretation is thus..For G_D so loved the world that he sent himself to die on the cross. In the Garden, he asked himself why he was doing this to himself but if it was his true will to do it to himself, he would do it. Then when he was in the cross, he looked up and asked himself why he had forsaken himself and then asked himself to forgive others because they knew not what they did. In the end, on judgement day he will judge others for something someone did 10,000 or so years ago. we are supposedly born with a sinful nature due to Adam and Eve's Original Sin and when we act in accordance with the way we were created, we get punished and you call that love. Sounds more like a god with an identity crisis to me.  

  18. well according to the bible 1+1+1=1 WTF?! I'm a bit of a maths geek and that really pisses me off. There's that and the fact that the stories were elaborated upon, regularly. I mean c'mon, jesus' divinity was decided by a vote.

    The way people bang on about it (like me now, irony). It just makes me sick. If it is such a good book why is it that i am not reading it?

    Where are the dinosaurs? Death and resurrection, that only happens in fictional stories and video games.

  19. Here's an answer I gave to a question asked yesterday; What are the characteristics of a fairy tale? Read and decide for yourself why atheists think this.

    Characteristics of a fairy tale:

    Best Answer - Chosen by Asker


    1. a story about fairies; told to amuse children. interesting but highly implausible story; an excuse.

    The Elements of a Fairy Tale

    What is it that makes a story a fairy tale?

    As with folktales, fairy tales have an oral tradition,

    and they usually take place "long ago."

    There are several elements present in most of these stories,

    however, that identify them as part of the genre of fairy tales:

    * Special beginning and/or ending words - Once upon a time...and they lived happily ever after.

    * Good character

    * Evil character

    * Royalty and/or a castle usually present

    * Magic happens

    * Problem and a Solution

    * Things often happen in "threes" or "sevens"

    Biblical similarities in parentheses.

    * Special beginning and/or ending words - Once upon a time...and they lived happily ever after. (In the beginning; Amen)

    * Good character (God, Jesus)

    * Evil character (Satan, Devil)

    * Royalty and/or a castle usually present (Solomon, David)

    * Magic happens (Transfiguration; miracles, etc)

    * Problem and a Solution (Nephilim run rampant, God floods world, etc)

    * Things often happen in "threes" or "sevens (trinity)

  20. I'm not an atheist, but not a book worshiper either.  Why do i think its a fairy tale?  Because i've done research on it.  Its based almost word for word on 4 other religions and 2 philosophies.  That's why its a fairy tale.

    As someone said, why do you believe the Iliad to be a fairy tale?  It mentions real places.  Troy did in fact exist.  And people DO pray to Poseidon, and Apollo, this very day.

  21. It is....

    Do you not think we were a little worse off during the second world war?

    Still no Jesus, I think he ran out on you, maybe back to the desert with  his first love, the devil?  

  22. Well first off, there have been wars since the beginning of time.

    Second, the Bible DOES NOT mention Nuclear Warheads.

    Starvation has existed since the beginning of time, actually there's less of it now thatn there was 500 years ago.

    What's wrong with science? You like to use your computer don't you? Science helped to create that machine.

    Where and who is this Antichrist?

    The reason I think the Bible is a big fake is because it claims all of these things that cannot be proven and it was written by man so what claim does it have to the truth.

    We've answered these types of questions hundreds of times, instead of asking things like this again, just look it up under "Search for Questions"

  23. Let's examine your statement.

    1)war on a highly destructive scale:  Purely subjective and almost certainly incorrect.  Are the wars occurring today more destructive than, say, WWII?  What exactly qualifies as a highly destructive scale?

    2)Science:  Oooh, bible say science bad!  No big surprise there.  Irrelevant to the question at hand.

    3)Starvation:  People have always starved and, in all likelihood, will always starve.  There does not appear to be pandemic starvation, so this doesn't particularly support your speculation.

    4)Nuclear bombs:  Hmm, pretty sure there's no mention of atomic weaponry in your apocalyptic texts.

    5)The antichrist- clear example of a fairy tale here.  there is no justification for saying anyone is the antichrist (unless I missed the mention of a specific name in revelations.  Wait, nope, it's not there)

    It seems that none of your offered 'proofs' that the bible is true have any bearing on the subject, except to undermine your position.  Thanks for playing.  Bye now

  24. Because, like winnie the pooh, harry potter and lord of the rings, it has no evidence to back up it's validity as the word of god and an accurate account of all it says it is.

    Not that the other books mentioned were claiming to be true, of course.  

  25. What dose god look like" You see many things on utube about a planet x a planet in our outter solar system that is due to pass through the inner solar system and cause mass destruction on earth in 2012,

    is this planet :God??

  26. actually, I think you need to re-read the Bible.

    I am pretty sure Nuclear Bombs are NOT mentioned... neither are PCs, men walking on the Moon, nor even the UN.

    the Bible was written a few thousand years ago by people that wanted to control the way you (YOU) think.

    they did a good job!

  27. Why do you think the Iliad and the Odyssey and the tales they contain of Zeus and Poseidon are fairy tales?

    One, I think it is a fairy tales because it is logically ridiculous.  God sent Jesus to suffer and die so that God could change his mind and forgive us... sounds just like things other ancient religions claim.  Why couldn't God just say "You know what, I was wrong to want to send all humans to eternal torture, I will now forgive some of them."  Why the need for human sacrifice?  The most logical explanation is because all pagan religions back then required things like animal or human sacrifice to appease the gods.

    Two, because there is no outside proof of God existing (why doesn't god heal amputees for example, or why isn't their statistical data that Christians recover from various diseases at a greater rate than non-Christians).  It seems God answers prayers along the same lines as random chance works... isn't that a strange coincidence.

    "with everything in the extreme these days like the bible talked about in the end of days"

    It doesn't exactly take a rocket science to predict that there will be wars, famines, earthquakes, and floods in the future.  It only takes a moron to believe that these are predictions that would prove anything.

    Now if the Bible actually stated "In the year 1943, humans will realize the power that can be released from the splitting of an atom by bombarding radioactive material with neutrons"... that is a real prediction.  I haven't seen that in the Bible though.

  28. I think some Fairy tales have more wisdom, from a Jungian perspective.

  29. They just don't get it that's why their atheists, I'm not very religious but the Bible was meant to be a collection of stories that teach moral principals. You can't have a society without some kind of laws. Also, some facts in the bible such as the ever expending universe are one with science.

  30. Why do you think santa claus is a fairy tale? The easter bunny? Candy land? Why should those not be real, theres no evidence to prove that they dont exist.

    And just to point out, the most destructive war we have seen in a while was 60+ years ago, so far all other wars have been conventional wars (with very few casualties, the iraq war has lasted longer then WW2, but it only had about 4000 casualties compared to the several million of WW2)

    And where does the bible say anything about science?

    Nuclear stocks are constantly being depleted for safety reasons (and im POSITIVE the bible says nothing about nukes), and a nuclear war might have been possible 20-30 years ago, but now its pretty peacefull.

    If you think obama is the antichrist, TAKE A LOOK AT BUSH. We all thoguht he would be our saviour, look where he got us...

  31. Noah's Ark, talking snakes, burning bushes, parting of the seas, people magically flying up into the sky to meet their hero - all obviously ridiculous fairy tales.

    It is human nature to think that the times we live in are special, but all the things you describe have happened to the same and often a far greater degree in the past.  Nuclear bombs were used 65 years ago.  Wars in the past - WW2, WW1, the American Civil War, the Crusades and everything in between  - were all worse than what we experience today - Hunger and disease, believe it or not, are the lowest level in the history of our planet.  

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