
Atheists, Agnostics, and all other types of Secularists: Do you believe in The New World Order?

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What is your take on it?




  1. don't know what that is...besides the one in wrestling.

  2. youre asking the wrong ones....its in will happen and it wont be pretty...

  3. I don't even know what the h**l it is and don't care.

  4. No hahaha  

  5. Personally, I find it absurd like most conspiracy theories.  There have been hundreds of groups put forward as leaders of the new world order for hundreds of years.  It's much like Ragnarok, the Apocalypse, end times, the rapture, 2012, etc... it's something people want to believe regardless of the fact that people have been going "oh oh oh look there!" for thousands over years over the same c**p and so far are batting 0.

    If aliens showed up tomorrow we might be able to drop our racism, prejudice, religious convictions, etc long enough to form a single unified governing body because who cares about the human besides you when there is a 4 armed thing that looks like a pulsing a**s standing three feet away.  Shy of something like that, which I find highly unlikely, I don't see it happening.

  6. As some sort of evil boogey-man like many Christians do? No.

    But we humans will eventually have to come to recognize the only way to resolve our common problems and that the only way to save the world from environmental disaster is to come together as a single human nation.

  7. Conspiracy theory

  8. I find it absolutely absurd.

    Up there with the global warming and evolution conspiracy theories.

    Sometimes, I can't believe what people believe. If anything like these existed, someone would have admitted to being in on it. Stuff this big can't stay secret that long.

  9. Never heard of it. Probably I wouldn't be into if it was like a day camp or something. Or a boy band. But especially not if it were some sort of propagandist swindle.

  10. Hegemony is a very dangerous thing.

  11. I have heard a lot of talk about the new world order, except what it actually means.

  12. I beleive that the New World Order is a definite possibility, too many high ranking politicians from many different nations have spoken of it.

  13. Believe me, It's all an Old World Order. The only thing new to it is us. It has always been there.

  14. Scary, particularly considering the people most interested in implementing it.  

  15. Explain to me what it is first then I could tell you my opinion on it.

  16. Conspiracy theories are generally popular when they seem to remove uncertainty. For instance, if a group of religious radicals fly planes into skyscrapers, there is generally no way for the average citizen to feel like they have any control over the situation. Shift the blame to the government, especially in a democracy, and then there is some sense of control. It's all psychological nonsense. Same with the NWO.

  17. I believe that humans need to stop worrying about humans and worry about the rest of the planet we're planet=no humans.  

  18. It seems it is a long way off. Could you define what the new world order is?

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