
Atheists, Christians, Everybody: Help me answer this ethical question?

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So college is back in session for me...I have this one professor that I have a slight crush on, and I swear she stared at me the whole class...

What do you think about romantic student/teacher relationships? Yay or Nay???




  1. How do you feel about legal complications? Yea or Nay?

  2. Nay... I would say it's a bad idea. Maybe after you finish the class but even then it's not good. She could loose her job (depending on the rules of the school)

  3. A romantic relationship between a student and a teacher no matter what level of school is unethical on the part of the teacher as the teacher is in a position of authority..  

  4. *Spits out drink*


    Uhhhh, you are 18, aren't you?

    There is no legal problem if you are, but seeing as she gives you grades and teaches you, it's a bad idea.

    Think about it.

  5. Ney if you're in her class. Yay if you're not.

  6. They make for some great porno plots.

  7. nay

  8. nay  

  9. Nay.

  10. if she's your teacher then you got a problem to that see, you can't have a relationship with your teacher cause he can be kicked out of school... school policy, and all... but at the end of the sem, now that's a different story. if you love him and he loves you then you can have that kind of relationship at the end of the sem, if not well y'know...


  11. Usually ends in disaster.

  12. Love conquers all. Have fun and dun lose your head.

  13. That won't end well, on the other hand, it hasn't stopped anyone.

    Worst case result: she gets fired.

  14. Generally a teacher-student relationship can only end badly; she could get fired and you could get expelled.  I'd suggest that, at the very least, wait until you are no longer her student to suggest a relationship.

  15. Probably a bad idea for you.

    Definitely unethical for her.

  16. No get through school then go after him

    tGod bless

  17. Conflict of interest for her. She has to be fair to all her students.

    You might have had something on her nose. Professors also tend to focus their attention on whoever is paying attention. You will too, when you give class presentations.

  18. I don't see a problem personally with college age students dating teachers. It depends on the rules of the school though. You wouldn't want her getting in trouble or losing her job!

    Edit: Geez, Deke, why you gotta tell everyone what I said!??!!? :oþ

  19. hi moxie, cool name

    i say no im afraid, its a great fantasy, but its not really meant to be anything more

    it is far too complicated , you have to see each other every day at college and if anything happened and it went wrong, thats not going to do either of you any good for your classes and concentration

    and her job woudl be at stake, because it is frowned upon by society

    its not that i personally frown on them, i dont, but i do think its unlikely to work out and bring any real happiness

    sorry moxie ;-(

  20. Ethics and morality, unlike what the atheists tell you, are completely different. Morally, dating such a man would be fine. Ethically, it depends. What do you consider ethical? What are the schools policy?

    You will need to take those factors into consideration in order to reach a conclusion.

  21. This could cause serious problems for your teacher. Please hold off on a relationship (or even the appearance of one) until you are out of that class.

  22. Bad idea. Too great a potential for conflict of interest.

  23. As long as you are 21 or older, he is single, and your grade is not tied to the relationship, its all good!

  24. It could cost her the  job and profession, and you your reputation, if not more.

    But is this woman on woman?  Oh geez, here we go....

  25. Nay..What happens if it doesn't work out during the year? You tick teacher off you could be sporting a failing grade..

  26. Probably a bad idea... go for it after you pass her class.

  27. stay focused on the reason you are in school, to get a degree.  If you still lean this way wait until that teacher is no longer an influence on your ciricula.

  28. Well if ur like 20 and she's around 60 then NAY horsey!

    But if she's young then Go **** her!

  29. I believe its irresponsible on the part of the Professor.

    As a student you are in a position of looking to her for answers and believing what she says, so that positions makes a relationship between you both inappropriate.

    If you like her, finish her class and then date her.

  30. No.  For one, universities have rules in place prohibiting relationships between professors and students, as it should be.

    You're there to advance your mind.  Don't cross the line, you'll regret it.

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