
Atheists, Have you ever heard the expression, there are no atheists in the emergency room?

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On your death bed do you think you will be hoping God is real? and will you be hoping he is a God of love, mercy and forgiveness? forgiveness because you have denied and persecuted him, mercy so that he does not give you and me what we deserve, and love so he will continue to take care of you after you die. Be honest, put yourself in that position, will you want to believe the good news then?




  1. Bubba, have you heard the word "bullsh1t"? I worked as an emergency medical worker for 4 years - I saw plenty of atheists in the emergency rooms.

  2. If I did that then I would also have to pay tribute to Thor, Odin Shiva, Zeus, Aphrodite, and ever other god out there.

    In any case I do not think fear is a good reason to convert to a religion.

  3. It's a stupid expression. And I haven't persecuted any god or gods.

  4. How can one force themselves to believe something?  And anyway, If god does not help us in life while we are need, why would he at the end of my life?  

  5. I haven't heard that *particular* version of that claim, but I've heard similar things, yes.  It's something that theists made up and they love to say it to each other, but it has no basis in reality.  (Much like the majority of things theists say.)

    When I'm dying, no, I won't hope that God exists.  IF there *was* a God, of course I'd hope that he would be a God of love, mercy, and forgiveness. (That cancels out the Christian God, anyway.)

  6. So, what you're basically saying is that athiests are wrong and that they should believe what you believe?

  7. And when you get sick or injured, will you pray to god for help, or will you accept the medical aid that secular scientific inquiry has made possible?  Is your faith in your magical sky-daddy so strong that you will refuse other help?

  8. Actually it's there is no athesist in foxholes, which isn't true.  I'm an atheist and a former combat g.i..  I was in southeast asia years ago have been motared, shot at, and all the rest.  You can keep your killer psychotic god, why'd you'd love such a murderous insane fiction is beyond me.

  9. I will not be hoping God is real, What I hope is that I will look back and have no regrets.  I hope I will have made everyone I loved feel loved.  I hope I will have done the things Ive wanted to do.  I hope I will have impacted very few people negatively in my life time.  Most of all, I hope I will look back upon my life and know that I made the most of it, because that is the only payoff.  I believe there is no heaven or h**l, and no reason to live except to live.  I hope when I die I am proud of my life.

  10. Yes, it's one of several smug, self-serving taunts Christians use to make themselves feel superior.  Rather an un-Christian attitude, when you think about it...

    I've worked in an emergency room, and it's actually likely to make more atheists when you see how many good people needlessly suffer while others of good faith pray fervently for their recovery.  God is either pointlessly capricious, or an a*****e, or not there at all.  In any event, He's not worth praying to.

  11. No.

    What on earth gave you that idea ?

    Just because I am about to shed my mortal coil does not mean that I will become intellectually void a few moments before the shedding occurs and suddenly accept fiction as fact.

  12. i have been in the ER several times, never had the urge to look for god, even sent away the nun that came by my room wanting to know if i wanting to "learn about jesus"

  13. Usually, it goes "there are no atheists in a foxhole." It's just a saying.

    RE: the rest, nope.

    I love your idea I could persecute god, though. Isn't he supposed to be the all-powerful spirit? What did I do to him?

  14. Nope, I'll be too busy making sure the cryonics team is waiting on standby.

    And that assumes the medical team has already tried every single reasonable treatment and determined that they don't work.


  15. How do you know I'm going to die in bed?

    As I'm dying, I'll be thinking back on my life with a smile. That is all.

  16. Well I can't really predict exactly how my mind will start to go when I'm drugged up on painkillers and my brain becomes starved of oxygen.  I suppose it's possible that I will become so confused and irrational as to consider your god possible.  But what of it?

    "Be honest, put yourself in that position, will you want to believe the good news then?"

    Listen to yourself.  Just because you want something to be true doesn't make it so.  That's just stupid, and deep down you probably know that.  I'd quite like to win the lottery, but I'm not going to go around pretending that I have.

  17. Hmm, the problem with your premise is that you make it sound as though the only reason to worship god is out of fear. Is that the case?

  18. Ok.

    First of, in the emergency room I want somebody with talent and a steady hand for surgery, not some insane man with a book.

    Secondly, no. I believe what I believe and that happens to be different from you.

    Last, no. Id try to throw a party on my deathbed. Because I don't like my loved ones to be sad. :) FUN-eral.

    Not funeral. :)

  19. Its fear that does that to us. If someone is so afraid of dying and pain that they throw all their beliefs out the window and make their whole life a waste they are a true coward. I'm not going to say that as I die I won't feel this way, because I have never experienced dying and 'seeing the light'. The human race is more cowardly and selfish than we admit.

    As great as the idea of a forgiving loving creator and an afterlife sound, it seems unlikely. But on my deathbed, who knows, I may lasp into prayer out of fear.

  20. Bubba, have you heard the word "********"? I worked as an emergency medical worker for 4 years - I saw plenty of atheists in the emergency rooms.

  21. It is not about what I *want*, it is about what is true.

    I am not delusional enough to assume just because I want something to be true then that must be the case

  22. No, I haven't. I was in the emergency room recently and thoughts of god did not go through my mind. Instead I was hoping that the doctor and nurses knew what they were doing.

  23. The "fox hole" and "emergency room" scenarios are silly. Fear is a reaction to impending danger; it's an instinctive survival mechanism. It lends itself to irrational, illogical, snap judgments; not to thoughtful, sound, intellectual conclusions. There is nothing to be "forgiven" for, nothing to be "punished" for. These are fear and intimidation tactics that religions have used through the ages to manipulate the behaviors of intellectually challenged people.

    When it's about to be my time to go, I will not be worried about making a proper apology for being flawed, to some mystical being who supposedly created me that way and will torture me if I don't. I'd rather be thinking about the life that I had, the things I accomplished, the moments I enjoyed. Life is about finding fun, love, and happiness, and passing some of that along to others. It's not about kneeling in dark rooms, memorizing mythology, and begging for mercy.

  24. To me, God, as popularly described, seems like a sadistic monster.  It's good that god is imaginary.

  25. No,no,no,and no. I have been near death and god didn't enter my thoughts.

    What good news? Is there going to be a Different Strokes reunion?

  26. I'll be very happy with a long peaceful noble sleep.

    What do you really want to be saved from, what worries you, what fears you, the fact that peace will come one day holds no fear. Why propel the myth of a demon afterlife, aren't there enough horrors in our world already.

  27. No, I haven't.  Since, it is precisely in the ER, where you will find doctors and nurses who have a higher probability of being atheist.

  28. No, I honestly won't. All life comes to an end, including mine. I'm not looking forward to it, but that is just how it its.

  29. So the hospitals closed?

    I will be hoping the FSM is real.  I will be actively hoping the christian god is not, from what I've read, I wouldn't like him.

  30. Seeing as I am an atheist and I have been in an emergency room - I can definitively say that the statement is completely false.

    Furthermore, using fear as a tactic is pathetic.

    In any event, your logic is messed up. If I am an atheist that has never worshipped or abided by at least 3 of God's commandments and then sat on my death bed then the last thing I would want is for a vengful psychopathic judgemental God on the other side.

    Yet again, christians fail at empathy and logic.

  31. Death is natural and everyone partakes in death ... All a part of change ... change that happens to pretty much everything around us ... so if I were on my death bed I wouldn't be hoping whether God is real or not or regretting anything I did ... pretty much i would be too busy reflecting on all the stuff that I've done in this life and how both the good and the bad that I've done has made my life worth it

  32. Read this guy's site about how he's had an incredibly painful cancer twice and thinks that your expression is a pile of baloney.

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