
Atheists, agnostics, Pagans, Wiccans, and people of other faiths if you decided to become Christian ?

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or return to Christianity which denomination would you choose? Why? Christians if you chose to change which would you choose and why? Just curious




  1. Hypothetically? Catholic or Methodist. I would prefer Judiasm for monotheism though. I don't think I could ever swallow the Jesus thing with what I now know about it's theological history.

    But if I ever left paganism it would be because I am atheist.

    I would totally be a LeVeyan Satanist though. I LOVE thier philosophies.

  2. I think the Episcopals are the least offensive.

  3. The denomination that offers free therapy to heal my delusion

  4. If I decided to become 'christian', I would turn myself into the nearest psychiatric center and ask to be locked away. I might be dangerous.

  5. I won't become Christian but Liberation Theologians are worth hanging out with.

  6. non-denominational.

    if i were to believe in the christian god, i can't imagine him want to see me as a religious groupie. i would worship at a personal level.

  7. I'd be Amish.

    Have you ever eaten an Amish made pie?  

    Seriously though, they are the only Christians I've come across that actually do what their holy book says.

  8. I couldn't do it. There is just no way I would be able to wrap my head around it.

    I've lived as a Fundamentalist Baptist, Catholic and Assembly of God. Several extremes. There is no way I could reconcile what I know with joining another religious organization.

  9. Sorry.   Been there, done that.

    I could not deny my gods to pick up another that I cannot respect.

    If I were to convert to any monotheistic belief, it would have to be Judaism.

  10. I couldn't do it.

  11. I'd make my own one that's basically the same, except for like one difference, and claim everyone except me is going to h**l. Its gonna be great.

  12. l had changed once before. went from a christian to an atheist and when l saw that l was going no where, l went back to christianity and plain on staying that way until l go home. God had shown me to much to change into something else.

  13. answer: Only Unitarian or Quaker would be an option.  There's just so much about Christianity that I don't believe or agree with, including Jesus.

    I'd rather go with Judaism if I went back to a monotheism religion.

  14. Sorry, I couldn't go through with the lobotomy

  15. Amish. They have a good chance of surviving the coming badness. But I'd have a secret stash of tech manuals and guns in my barn.

  16. I HIGHLY doubt that would happen, but IF it did, I'd probably go back to being Catholic. I already have the routine burned into my memory. Go with what you know.

  17. I chose Pentecostalism. (UPCI), for it's beliefs and worship style.

  18. Well I do hold to some of my Christian Beliefs so I am Unitarian Universalist.

    Nordisk sed Heathen

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