
Atheists, are you bothered by follow atheists who are too polite towards religion?

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Pat Condell, an outspoken atheist from the UK, has this to say on the subject:

"If I believed in god and had any reason to ask him for anything, I think I'd ask him to save me from the curse of polite and deferential atheists. Religion is out of control right now precisely because too many people have been too diplomatic for too long."

Quote comes about 4:45

So, do you agree with the sentiment? Is the world better served by being polite and trying to respect all beliefs, no matter how laughable we may truly find them, or by calling a spade a spade?




  1. I wouldn't say that I'm specifically bothered by atheists who are too polite towards religion. I am, however, somewhat bothered by atheists who aren't assertive on the subject of atheism. It's possible to attack religion while being highly polite about it, and that's not what bothers me. What bothers me is the kind of people who say 'I don't believe God exists, but it's TOTALLY OKAY if you do and there's NOTHING wrong with it AT ALL so go ahead!' I mean, do you think the same people would be nearly so accepting of the belief that 1+1=3? Probably not, which is why it seems bit hypocritical to say you're an atheist and then say that religion is not inferior to atheism in any way despite being false. So I guess what bothers me isn't so much a specific kind of atheist, but rather a specific kind of person that believes that seeking objective truth does not have any value at all, and they bother me whether they're atheists or not (and in fact most of them aren't).

    The other kind of atheists that bother me is the kind that don't take religion seriously enough. The kind of atheists who post things like 'Which is greater, Jesus or Lime Kitty?' or 'Spiritually speaking, where is my underwear?', you get the idea. I mean, there have been millions of people murdered in the names of dozens, even hundreds of different religionsm, and these atheists seriously have nothing more useful to say on the subject than 'spiritually speaking, Lime Kitty rocks' and stuff like that?

  2. If I become hateful because of my beliefs, I am no better than the fundie.

  3. I'm somewhat with Pat on this one.

    One shouldn't respect an idea. NO idea deserves respect. Only people do. However, you shouldn't invade people's private space and mock their religion. Nor be offensive in general. But I have every right to laugh if someone tries to preach to me.

    Want to believe? Fine. You have every right to, and if it doesn't encroach on other people's freedoms that's fine with me. Anything going further than that however, expect ridicule.

  4. So, atheists should be intolerant? I don't think that is right either. Just because you believe what you believe doesn't give you the right to talk down to others. I prefer the tolerant, respectful atheists to the rude ones. You can only respect someone who can respect as well.  

  5. No, we must be the beacons for tolerance

  6. I'm bothered by atheists like that, who are just as intolerant as some religious people are to us.

  7. How can I expect anyone to respect me if I do not respect them in return? We don't have to agree on everything to get along. I care more about how someone treats me and others than what religious beliefs they may or may not have.

  8. I think we SHOULD and MOST DO say what needs to be said about religion in the most polite way possible.

    Though I do believe MANY religious people take a polite statement and blow it out of proportion and into an invite to war.

  9. What a lot of hot air.

  10. i  think we can be more forceful with out being rude

    (pat condell is awesome though)

  11. In my FFHO, Condell, is an arrogant ars* wipe, of a hate monger, who sees himself as a Great Leader of Atheists.

    He couldn't lead a p*ss up in a brewery.

    He conflates common courtesy with, In his eyes,  over tolerance.

    You do not have to unpleasant to people, simply because you consider their beliefs, a joke.

    You can respect people for them selves, irrespective of their beliefs.

    He is trying to create an "Us and Them", situation, much like the Religious Reich has done in America.

    Kids might follow him, I suppose.

    Besides, I don't think that christianity is his true target.

    I suspect that he is an Islamaphobe, and everything else is merely a vehicle for that fear/hatred.

  12. Being polite is better than being an outright jackass. Politeness equals generally more respect from others, which can be good inside and outside of religious concerns.

    As long as the other person is polite as well, and not a complete snob, I think the Atheist should be polite.

    Plus Pat is a comedian, much like George Carlin (although GC was much better than Pat probably ever will be).

  13. I do think that a large part of why religion has gotten so far out of control is because we are to polite about it.  If someone is telling you they are hearing voices or having a "personal relationship" with a dead man they need to talk to the guys in the white coats, not have us be OK with it.

  14. Absolutely not. There is nothing wrong with religion as a whole. There are those that would use it to spread hate and violence and those are the ones that need to be called out on. People have the right to believe what ever they want whether I agree with their beliefs or not. As long as they are not hurting anyone I have no right to stop them.

  15. Things will get very interesting if more people start to follow his lead.

    Did I say "if"? I meant 'when'.....

  16. If a religious person made a statement saying that "atheism is out of control because too many people have been too diplomatic for too long and said he asked God to be saved from the curse of polite and deferential religious people", would you think that person was out of line or just right?  

  17. No, I think all atheists are cool in their own way.

  18. It makes no difference to me what anyone's faith is as long as that faith or relative actions aren't imposed on me in any way. The world would be such a better place if more people were open minded about this kind of stuff.

  19. I disagree. I save my venom for the theists that deserve it. Taking on all of religion is a losing fight, and will eventually be self defeating. Pick your battles. "i got egg on my face" said it best, so far.

  20. No, I am more bothered by the militant and their silly demands.  I don't care what people do or believe in.  

    The only thing I concern myself with is when it affects my life.  Keep it out of the schools and the laws and I'm fine.

  21. not at all.

    while difficult sometimes, i enjoy it when people are civil towards each other.

  22. I agree 100%

    Let's get 'dem believers!  Show 'em we ain't gonna take their c**p any more, huyuck!

  23. I understand the idea that some atheists don't want or need to save the world.  Some people just have their beliefs and what other people believe is of no concern to them.

    Having said that, complacency on any front can be dangerous.  If we continue to let religion rule the world without stepping in, we are just as guilty as the ones involved.

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