
Atheists, are you the good kind of atheist or the bad kind?

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Good- respects others' beliefs

Bad- thinks other people are dumb for worshipping & believing in what atheists call an "imaginary Being"




  1. I'm not a good or bad atheist. I'm just an atheist.

  2. Bad.

  3. there's a good kind?  

  4. i'm the kind that will respect other peoples beliefs so long as they do the same.

  5. I have yet to see one solid reason as to why I should respect any idea, as opposed to people. Tell me, my friend, why should I do it?

  6. I am both kinds.

    If others respect my non-belief (without insisting I live by their god's rules, and trying to put creationism into public schools, or proselytizing me), I can leave them alone.

    However, if they behave badly, I will censure them for their bad behavior.  If they insist on proselytizing me, I will ask them to examine their beliefs about their imaginary being.

    I think that's fair.  Don't you?

  7. The good long as it is reciprocal of course; I unleash h**l if someone isnt respectful in turn of me.

    The bad kind typically come off as akin to the religious fundies which sort of makes them appear hypocritical.

  8. I'm the bad kind. History demonstrates that respecting the stupidity of the superstitious is contrary to humanity's best interests. I don't respect the beliefs of Fascists, Eugenicists, Communists, Creationists, so why would I respect the beliefs of someone whose religion says something like "Kill the infidel and plunder their money?"  I'm sorry. I take note of a rabid animal. I don't concern myself with its dignity.

  9. Your beliefs don't matter a l**k to me - until such time as they compel you to do something stupid.  At which point, I will endeavour to be one of the first to stand on high and laugh at you and your beliefs.

  10. I'm a baaaaaad little fishie ;)

    Religion is for the mentally ill.

  11. A cross between the two.  I don't mind that others believe in something, but still think of them as naive and less intelligent.

  12. I'm the bad kind.

  13. Bad to the bone, but good in public.

  14. im the good

    i dont believe in god, but i totally respect others beliefs as well

  15. just FYI you can respect people beliefs while still thinking they are dumb

  16. Giggle.  Sorry. I heard G'linda's voice saying, "Are you a Good With or a Bad Witch?"  Just as useless, doncha think?

  17. I don't respect that which ruins lives.

  18. I'm a bit more grey than that.  I'm more stern with the people who have no respect and nice to the people who are asking genuine questions, like you.


  19. i find your question offensive on so many levels..

  20. Stupid question. But your bad description proves Atheists are right by stating an imaginary being! So I have to choose the bad atheist.  

  21. Bad.

    In your eyes anyway.

    I respect the right of others to hold different beliefs provided that they do not use them to cause harm (like denying basic human righst, as many religions do).

    I do not understand why you think I should actualy respect the beliefs themselves. I think that is arrogance on the part of the religious.

  22. I'm the kind of atheist that's a little bit country and a little bit rock and roll.

    In other words, I respect other people's dumb beliefs.

  23. Im agnostic, but I think this question is a little unfair.

    Are Christians 'good' for thinking that no matter what an atheist does in life, (charity work, saving someones life) that they are evil enough to deserve to burn in h**l regardless, just because they don't believe, because their God says so?

    Very one-sided question.

  24. Good atheist. Until the "bad" kind of believer points his intolerance in my general direction. Then I quickly make you definition of a "bad" atheist look very tame.

    Let me put it this way . . .

    I'm the kind of atheist that will treat you pretty good no matter what you believe until you f*ck with me. Then, may God have mercy on you, because I won't.

  25. Irrational beliefs do not deserve respect.

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