
Atheists, did you know that if you study the epistles of Paul, you too will become as bold as him?

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I don't know how you are now, but if you study the epistles of Paul real hard, you too will become as bold as Paul in all that you do. Which in itself isn't a bad thing.

So did you know this?




  1. There is no courage greater than that found in the gospels of Jesus Christ.

    I'm drawn to tears when I think of the founding blocks of Christianity and what they had to go through to get the faith to us today!

    When you read their stories, and truly open your heart to them, you are a changed man. You are a man with the Lord in your heart.  

  2. I want to throw rocks at people like Paul did.  

  3. "There is no courage greater than that found in the gospels of Jesus Christ"

    Except perhaps the millions of people burned, hung, tortured, and murdered for no reason other than for being blasphemous or heretical in the eyes of the church.  They suffered just as much if not more for no reason whatsoever.

  4. Wow, you really are a "one trick pony"!

    Studying Paul doesn't appear to have done much for you. You really need to expand your horizons.

  5. Paul is the guy who refused to help the slave and sent him back to his owner.

    Paul is the guy who boasts about the number of times he has been whipped.

    Paul is the guy who says we should act like fools for god's sake.

    That's not boldness, that's stupidity.

  6. I'm already bolder. I'm a woman who speaks her mind. Something he frowned upon.

  7. I'm already bald.

  8. Ignorant Christians do not help the cause of Christ.  You make it much harder for the rest of us.

    I don't know where you got this idea, but it's completely false.

    Please stop posting nonsense.  

  9. That really depends on your view of Paul.

    Remember of course that he is fictional, but, he does come across in the book as a bit of a tyrannical homophobic turncoat. Which for me is a bad thing.

    Just my view of course..

  10. Yikes.  Thanks for the warning, I'll stay clear of it.

  11. Did you know that if you study philosophical teachings, other than Paul's, you will become a more rounded person who can ask a variety of YA questions without reference to Paul....all the time.

    People may even start taking you seriously.

  12. If you want to validate your life as a dominant male, why don't you just do so. Do you really think that you are not 100% transparent here. That your daily obsession with male dominance and the dis-empowerment of women, it speaks volumes.

    If you want to be a redneck, then be one. It really is not that difficult. Just don't expect us to treat you differently because you base these views on a Christian doctrine. We still won't like you, sorry.

  13. I'd rather pour honey over my nads and let an army of African Bullants go to town..

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