
Atheists, do you believe in spirituality?

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And if so, do you think that some people have a more developed spiritual 'sense' than others?

Please don't kill me, I'm just asking a question...




  1. To be honest, I'm not entirely sure what spirituality means. I do not believe that we have a soul that, when we die, will either go to heaven or h**l.

  2. I don't see the point since there's no god. Seems like the definition is related to the supernatural, but there is no supernatural so it's an empty concept.

    Maybe some people are into it because it seems cool. I don't know.

  3. What's spiritual to me may be vastly different from how others perceive it. Spirituality expresses a natural connection to Universe and how we operate within it.  Knowledge and honesty strengthens the link. It's the essence of truth that leads to enlightenment.  This truth can't exist in an atmosphere of fantasy.  It is impossible for those who are dependent on myth to ever know the spirit or essence of a thing when their minds are clouded by delusion.

  4. It is a term bandied about so much - I don't even know what it means.

  5. The concept of "spirituality" exists, but not actual spirits or supernatural entities/phenomena.

  6. Well, atheism doesn't exclude some sort of spirituality, but usually atheists don't believe in those kinds of things. I don't.

  7. I consider myself a spiritual person. And yes, I'm sure some people are more spiritual than others. I don't really have enough of an opinion to go into any sort of detail, though.

  8. I believe in the concept.  But it doesn't have anything to do with spirits or anything supernatural.

  9. I can't speak for all atheists of course, but some do seem to believe in one sort of spirituality or another, but I should think that it would not be a supernatural type of spirituality.

    To me, non-supernatural spirituality (not believing in an everlasting soul that continues on after death) simply consists of attaining a thorough understanding of ones self and having a highly developed sense of empathy, and awareness and appreciation of other people, nature, the universe.  Personally I don't see the need to identify these things as spirituality, to me they are human attributes that it is possible to nurture and improve in ourselves.

    It would be interesting to here from atheists who believe in an everlasting soul and what their reasoning is, but I would be surprised if there were any, I imagine it's more common among agnostics:)

  10. hi there tonga

    yes i do believe in spirituality, im a very spiritual person myself

    yes i think some do have a more developed sense than others

    maybe some dont have any, who knows really

    anythings possible

    id never dream of killing you, i think its great to ask qs


  11. I don't, but some atheists do.

  12. I don't believe in anything like that I'm afraid, no God, no higher presence, powers or spirits. I make and live my own life and have no one to thank or blame for it's consequences other than me.

  13. Not in the slightest.

  14. nope.

  15. yes but in a scientific way.. ya know brain power and energy and stuff.. its all got to do with the brain.. kinda same as drugs.. only drugs work better..

  16. I'd like to, but don't have much support for my hopes and haven't found any thinking that matches them.  

  17. Yes. However, I probably define it differently.  For me 'spirituality' deals with those things which are not physical.  These things would be emotions, feelings, memories, experiences, your knowledge, your personality, your beliefs and things of this nature.  All of that is non-physical and to me classified as spiritual.  A side note: none of these can exists without some physical support system - ie your body, your brain, just as the program running on your coputer right now cannot exist without a computer (or at least without the physical computer to run on, it would be meaningless and non functional).  Hope that makes sense to you.

  18. Not in any superantural sense, no.

  19. i think your giving a good description of an agnostic there.

    i used to think i was an atheist but i realised i do believe in a greater power but i don't really accept the concept of organised religion.

    i think some people are more spiritual than others but some people seem to be happy going along doing there own thing and rejecting the spiritual side.

    i'm very much an agnostic now.

    ps- don't worry i wont kill you tonight for asking this question but if you ask it again i'll have to hunt you down!!! (only joking lol)

  20. I would use the word figuratively to define the appreciation of aesthetics.

  21. Reported of insulting alcoholics -- those true masters of the the only true spirits.  Why wouldn't we believe in them?

  22. Most shouldn't. But the term 'spirituality' is just a human byproduct of the mind.

  23. I don't have time for that.

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