
Atheists, do you believe this planet and everything on it is proof that there is a Creator/God?

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ok so why don't you believe it does not qualify as proof, If I had made this the original question the atheists would have said, why do you assume all atheists don't believe the earth is evidence of creation. so you see I'm trying to establish first that you don't believe the planet counts as proof, then i can ask you why you believe it doesn't count. I guess either way I approach it you will insult me, right?




  1. Do you know what "Atheist" means??  An Atheist believes there is no god or gods.  

    If someone does not believe a god exists, how could he/she believe a non-existent being created anything?  That's just silly.

  2. ...absolutely not. we wouldn't be atheists if we did..

  3. quite the opposite really.

  4. This planet and everything on it proves that there is no god.

    Zealotry will never change facts.

  5. Do you know what "atheist" means?

  6. ????????????????????

  7. maybe you should read your own questions before submitting them

  8. yes... including DICTIONARIES

  9. It's proof of natural selection.  

  10. umm do you know what an atheist is, this planet and everything on it is why we dont beleive in a god or a satan

  11. The answer's in your first word.

  12. If I believed that I wouldn't be an atheist. I see hanging out with religious people has made you illogical. :)

  13. Yes, of course. That's what makes me an atheist.

    Praise Allah.

  14. This is a self-answering question.

    If atheists don't believe in Gods, then it follows naturally that they also don't believe that this planet is proof of a Creator God.

  15. Your question doesn't make any sense.

  16. Maybe.

  17. It's proof of the opposite.

  18. You are asking if atheists believe in a gawd?

    This question is funnier than your last one.  

    Which was hilarious.

  19. Of course not. The formation of the earth has nothing to do with superstition.

  20. This question makes no sense whatsoever.  Atheists believe that there is no God so you're asking those that dont believe in God if this planet and everything on it is proof that what they dont believe in exists?  You're givin me a headache.

  21. ...

    you're asking atheists (people who dont believe in a creator), if this planet is proof of a creator...

    does this question not strike you as contradictory and illogical?

  22. Um.  No.  Why would an Atheist believe that?

  23. Perhaps you should get a dictionary out and look up the word "atheist"

  24. Um...No

  25. Are you an idiot?

  26. Of course not.

  27. YESYESYESYESYESYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  28. Obviously not.

  29. brain on vacation?

    seriously though... no..

  30. no, thats kind of the point in being an atheist, i dont believe in god

    so i dont believe the planet and everything on it is proof of a god or creator



    it doesnt count as proof of creation because the earth has already got an explanation for its existence and its formation

    it is explained how the earth was formed in universe books and such, and it is all very logical and possible

    there is no need for a god or creator to have created earth or anything on it

    and no i will not insult you, maybe you shoudlnt generalise

  31. sigh.

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