
Atheists, finally some empirical evidence that God probably does exist? Will you repent?

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This is a funny little article and I wanted to get peoples reaction to it!

Here's the link:

I thought this was hilarious, and well... maybe even a little poignant for disbelievers. Not that this will change any minds i'm sure.




  1. Im sorry but your reasoning is quiet unclear because we cannot really explain if God is wanted to do that thing's maybe its just a simple coincidence. You better be careful of thinking some unusual things.  

  2. As an Asatruar, I honor Thor -- among others -- so this doesn't conflict with my own belief system.  Thor took notice and decided and to have a bit of fun.  The gods do like to laugh, after all :o)

  3. I'm only going to say this because the guy's fine, but that is hilarious.  I wish that would happen more often, lol.  

  4. I swear to God that I am not sick or having a sinus infection right now if I'm lying may he smite me!!!!


    oh wait, I got a bit of a cramp in my leg....

  5. it's called a coincidence.  

  6. ...What does this prove?

    Cosmic coincidence or fabrication.

  7. This proves that Zeus is real.

  8. hahahahahhahah

    that was funny!

  9. Hundreds of people are struck by lightning every year.  What about the hundreds per years, and thousands or hundreds thousands who have been struck since Jesus walked the earth?  Did they all "swear to God" before the lightning struck them?  You can't just talk about one event among hundreds of thousands and say it proves your point.  Actually, it disproves your point.  It was just coincidence.  And, who is to say that the guy who was struck wasn't telling the truth, and it was his neighbor who was lying just trying to get money out of him?


  10. I'm very amused by your statement that this exhibits a direct 'cause and effect' relationship.  Have you ever taken a science or research class?  This is a classic case of a correlation, not causation.

    This would be like saying if you ate a jar of peanut butter and walked into the street and got hit by a car, then eating peanut butter must CAUSE getting hit by a car.  Clearly most people would be able to see that walking into the street in front of a car was the real cause.

  11. Ah, yes, but he didn't swear the the Christian God, but to the Imperial Dragon!  Maybe Christians had ought to think about converting to Confucianism...

  12. Sounds like a coincidence to me.

  13. Your "proof" makes no sense because it uses facts not in evidence.

    God reveals, man observes. You have chosen to apply revelation to prove something, but proof comes from observation.

    There are two belief systems: Science and Revelation. Through science man tries to understand his universe through observation using the scientific method. The scientific method creates scientific theories to explain scientific facts. A scientific fact is an observation made by persons independent of location.

    A scientific law is a scientific theory that has been around for a long time, but scientific law can change when new scientific facts are found. For example, the accepted scientific law that the world was flat was disproved when man circled the globe. Similarly the scientific law of absolute time was replaced by relativity. Scientific laws are sometimes meant to be broken.

    The language of science is mathematics. Logic is a discipline that explains things deductively or inductively. Any logical proof requires axioms (assumptions), scientific facts if you like.

    To prove God would require assumptions about God, and the only thing we know about God is what He revealed to man. God created the heavens and the earth, our universe. This means that God existed before He created everything we can observe. God created the observable when He was unobservable. To have scientific "God facts", we would have to observe the unobservable which is a contradiction in terms. In other words, science using the scientific method has no scientific theories that explain God because there are no scientific "God facts", no observation independent of location.

    To make matter worst, the bible does not prove God either. It assumes God.

    Answer: Applying the revelation to science or the scientific method to revelation mixes two belief systems. Using any revelation “facts” (facts that cannot be observed) will only lead to contradictions.

    Source: Bible; any science class for scientific method; Western Philosophy specifically Logical Positivism.

  14. This isn't very good evidence.  Sounds like a coincidence to me, and I believe in God.

  15. there is no perfect defination for god it is part of feallings for that grate things or at last it is power of nature.which cant explain by humans yet

  16. lol reminds me of the story of the guy who was partying on a boat in a lake and was so drunk he went to the top of the boat, held onto the mast with his legs and lifted his arms to the sky yelling "here I am God, come and get me" and then was hit by lightning and died.

    Silly stories lol

  17. This is coincidence not 'cause and effect'.

    It's funny that you say Atheists won't repent. Every single Theist I have asked, "If proven 100% that God doesn't exist would you stop believing?" every single one of them replied in the negative.

    As most Atheists are fairly practical people I would like to believe that if proven 100% that God does exist they would admit it and start believing. Maybe somewhat humbly at first but always firm in the knowledge that they acted according to evidence present at the time.

    Well, they're my heathen thoughts.

  18. i just swore to god im blonde and nothing happenned... sorry

  19. And that means only one.

    Every time, someone swears falsely, which is highly probable, because there are active and alive about 3000 religions and gods worshiped in the world, as we speak - a lighting should struck by this ´´logic´´

    Your god is same ´´existent´´ as the rest

  20. I wonder which god he was swearing to?

    Anyway, we all know that Thor hurls lightning bolts.  

  21. Atheists don’t believe in god not because there was no empirical evidence of it yet, but they know – there will never be such evidence.

    As, I don’t believe in perpetuum mobile not because nobody made it yet, but I know – it is not possible to make it.

    I also know there is no DIVINE lightning, earthquakes, or deluge

  22. yea, total coincidence

    you cant prove that god struck the man down any more than you can prove that his neighbor was a wizard (which is what i think happend) plus their asian and most likly do not pray to the same christian god you do

  23. I swear to God that this question is full of fail.  If I am lying, may the asker be struck by a flying bovine!

    It seems you lose either way.

  24. ****! im scared now!

  25. That's not really empirical evidence but is quite funny.  I don't think anyone should try to convert anyone, athiests to believer or believers to athiest.  We should all just respect everyone elses beliefs.

  26. They didn't have the full quote of what he said..."I swear to God I don't owe you any money for this golf club I'm holding here in my hand during this thunderstorm".

  27. There isnt any information where he standed maybe the lighting was a punishment from God or an angel The Guy had bad luck than Most of the Peoples swear false claims  in the word of God however God Rules the entire Universe so its hard for him to zapp everybody ! I guess it could had been also one of the angels who zapped the guy or a Demon who made the guy his target practice or didnt like the fact  that someone is swearing to God ...So  It didnt had  to be God It could have been anybody who uses this kinda power ! If you think logiccaly its hard to meet God or the Devil in person but you  have better chances to meet  random Angel or Devil after all theire Minorities do live on Earth !

  28. Cute, you get a star.

  29. Yeah....because I believe everything on the internet.  You really are naive.  

  30. C'mon!  Why do you think this was in a newspaper?  Because it happens so infrequently that it is considered newsworthy.

    Let's think about all the times people lie and swear to god it's the truth and NOTHING ever happens to them.  By your logic, that proves there is no god..

  31. That's nice. And what about all the other times nothing happened?

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