
Atheists, how can you prove without seeing the individual that a row of dominoes was place on the floor ?

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You know someone place the dominoes was place there because in reality nothing can place something alone. Therefore I can say using the same logic, the earth and all creation was place there because someone placed it. Only the person placing the dominoes can explain how he put it and when it will end. Don't you agree atheists?




  1. What dominoes are you looking at?

    Put down the bong friend.

  2. We don't have to prove anything

    YOU do.

    Scientists can explain the big bang and have evidence.

    You on the other hand are a hypocrite because you say "god just did it" (something from nothing with no explanation)

    yet you have trouble with the concept of something coming from nothing?

  3. Assuming your statement is correct and you can see this message but you don't see the one who is writing, it could only have been made by a super natural being.

    By your logic god sets up domino sets and writes answers to your faulty questions.

    You can not prove that I am not God so that means that I am. I created every thing. You can't disprove it. You can not see me, but I may not even be human. How can you tell?

    Did you see God set up the planets or the dominoes. You can only assume, you can never know.

  4. Dominoes?  Where in the universe do we see anything remotely resembling identical rectangular blocks?  Oh wait!  Have you been watching 2001: A Space Odyssey?

  5. New saddles and bridles. Same old horses.

  6. What does playing dominos have to do with being atheist?

  7. There are natural processes by which the stars and the planets can form, WITHOUT intelligent intervention. You should look into protoplanetary disks.

    There are no known natural processes by which a row of dominoes can line themselves up.

  8. You're completely right. Ceiling Cat must have created everything.

  9. Life reproduces itself, consumes, produces waste, dies. Dominoes are not alive. I can assume the dominoes were placed there because they are a common manufactured object. Now humans are alive, we are not produced by someone who gathered material they found, and altered its shape and color. Humans are made with sexual reproduction. We have 23 chromosomes from each parent they join into one cell and that cell splits in half into two complete cells, the two cells each split in half making 4, each cell splits over and over again, split off into the various types of cell and form into a human shape.

    When adult dominoes grow from a single domino cell, I'll stop thinking they were created.

  10. I agree about the dominoes, but Earth and the universe is not the same thing.  The dominoes are man-made and were placed by a HUMAN. The universe's existence can and has been explained, so what about the universe suggests that it needs the same kind of oversight as the dominoes?  

  11. So why did he place the other planets in this solar system, all the other galaxies with their planets?  For looks?  For kicks?  Why not put people on the other planets, at least here?  Isn't that a waste?

    And he didn't explain anything.  Dinosaurs, other planets, that the Earth was round, that insect have 6 legs, not 4, that rabbits do not chew their cuds.  The real nature of what stars are, nothing.

    Not even the sun or moon.  

    Pretty sad job he did if that's the case.

  12. Well I do agree, but it wasn't someone, it was something... like the star that exploded and moved the dust cloud that eventually created our sun and planets, and the comets and meteors that brought the amino acids to our planet so life could arise.

  13. ... and the puddle said to himself - "Wow there is a god and he made this hole exactly the right size and shape to fit me..."

  14. Yeah I have no problem with someone or something placing earth and all creation ... the one I have a problem with is who it is ...

  15. Good point.....but don't expect atheist to understand good logic.

    ".... because when they knew God they glorified Him not as God but became vain in their imaginations.... Professing themselves to wise, they became fools, " Rom.1

  16. hmmmm ..... bad analogy. We can proof that the dominoes are there in the first place and the person who place the dominoes are there too.

    You had missed out on the most important part, the person who place earth here, since you had decided there is already a person who put earth here.

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