
Atheists, how can you tell a stranger step on your lawn without seeing the stranger?

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You can tell a stranger step on your lawn because he left shoe prints on your lawn. Therefore i can tell God exist because he has left his shoe prints(creation). I don't need to see the creator because he left his creation. Abiogenesis says life only comes from life, inorganic molecules, etc. Does a tree need a planter, if not. Why does God need a creator if a tree doesn't need a planter. Does a son need a father, yes. Now we see that some things need a creator and others don't need a creator. Therefore a God does not need a creator like a tree does not need a planter. Therefore a human needs a creator like a the earth needs a creator. What is the difference? A God is not like a human, like a tree is not like a human. Some do need creators and some don't. In conclusion why does there have to be a God? Because life only comes from life and God is life. Without the creator there is no creation. Some need a creation and some do not like my example.




  1. How can you tell if the neighbor's dog has been on your lawn?  Did it leave a loaf there for you to step in?...

    You may want to paint it all as pretty rainbows, but there's a lot of nastiness out there too...

    And google "abiogenesis", somebody's given you a faulty definition...doesn't help your argument if you spread about rumors, you know?

  2. Well you just happen to believe that God made those foot prints (all creation),  some people don't believe that anyone or anything made the foot steps, that they just happen to be there due to natural processes (evolution).

    "Does a tree need a planter", but a tree does need a seed, a seed needs a tree, and that tree needed a seed and so on and so on back as far as you can imagine...something had to start it.  Some say God did it, others say the big bang and evolution.

    Also, I don't see where your logic that humans need a creator comes just go from "not everything needs a creator/planter" to " therefore humans need a creator".  Those statements don't necessarily go together.

  3. life doesn't mean that there's a creator

  4. How can you stuff up the teleological argument this bad???

    "Abiogenesis says life only comes from life, inorganic molecules"

    Actually, Abiogenesis says that life can come from non-living materials. Thats what it means a-bio-genesis.

  5. Simply put, this is a very dumb analogy.

  6. GET OFF MY LAWN!!!!

  7. how can you tell a stranger step on your lawn without seeing the stranger?

    How do you know that it was a stranger? And which one?

    You argument goes against yourself. Even if there is a God that left his footprint, which God? There are so many strangers in the world? And how can you be sure that it was God? You don't know how he looks like, or how big his feet is, how can you be sure that it was his footprint?

    therefore, YOU FAIL!

  8. this is quite possibly the worst attempt at proselytizing rhetoric i've ever seen in my life. at no point in your rambling, incoherent response, did you come anywhere close to making a solid argument. i award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul

  9. Pungee sticks . This argument of yours is moronic please cease putting it here as it only serves to make you and everyone who says Jebus saves look even stupider than usual .

  10. try this site, i think it may help??

  11. Wow ® ╫ ╒ œ ♀│ï╪ ↔ é z{ ╚ §

  12. Ugh your logic is horrible.

    You just proved to yourself that not everything needs a creator.

    The process of abiogenesis consists of simple chemical reactions and the first living things could hardly be considered alive.

  13. Sigh.

    There are natural processes by which this solar system can form, natural process by which non-living material can form a living proto-cell, and natural processes by which life can evolve from that proto-cell to what we see today.

    There is no need for a creator in any of those processes. They happen naturally, and without intelligent intervention.

    There is no natural process by which shoe prints can form on a lawn.

  14. Why is that Christians think these arguments are actually valid?  

  15. The only thing you are showing here is your immaturity.

    Remember the words of Samuel Johnson  -- 'Ti's better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than open ones mouth and remove all doubt.        

  16. what is with all these questions tonite...first the dominos now grass...whats next pizza grease left in the box???

  17. What if upon further EVIDENCE I found the shoe prints matched my own?

    (I was REALLY inebriated last night...)

  18. What a dumb analogy.

    What if your family member (who is not a stranger) left a footprint and you didn't see him/her walk on the lawn?

  19. Whatever CSI Miami.

    Just because the Earth is here doesn't mean some deity created it. Don't be so accepting of fables and myths as some sort of conduced reality.

  20. Thanks for making laugh like a headless chicken.

  21. Are you really as stupid as you sound, or do you have to work at it?

  22. Because the dog barks.

  23. that was long and boring! I don't think you get it. If some one doesn't believe in god, what you are saying has NO meaning! just like if I tried to pull out all kinds of scientific studies and theories of spontaneous dna and such would mean nothing to you.

  24. Well, first of i wouldn't care if a stranger stepped on my lawn. I don't freak out when someone steps on my lawn. I don't think i could tell anyway.

  25. Belief can alter observations; those with a particular belief will often see things as reinforcing their belief, even if they do not. -Fleck

  26. How do I know it was a stranger, and not my neighbor that stepped on my lawn?

    Had I never seen a person with feet, why would I think it was a shoe print?

    Would my lawn cease to exist if nobody had ever stepped on it?

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