You can tell a stranger step on your lawn because he left shoe prints on your lawn. Therefore i can tell God exist because he has left his shoe prints(creation). I don't need to see the creator because he left his creation. Abiogenesis says life only comes from life, inorganic molecules, etc. Does a tree need a planter, if not. Why does God need a creator if a tree doesn't need a planter. Does a son need a father, yes. Now we see that some things need a creator and others don't need a creator. Therefore a God does not need a creator like a tree does not need a planter. Therefore a human needs a creator like a the earth needs a creator. What is the difference? A God is not like a human, like a tree is not like a human. Some do need creators and some don't. In conclusion why does there have to be a God? Because life only comes from life and God is life. Without the creator there is no creation. Some need a creation and some do not like my example.