
Atheists, how can you tell a stranger used your toothbrush without seeing the stranger?

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You can tell a stranger used your toothbrush because he left purple toothpaste on it and put it in a different spot. Therefore i can tell God exist because he has left his tooth paste(creation). I don't need to see the creator because he left his paste. Abiogenesis says toothpaste only comes from seaweed, inorganic molecules, etc. Does a shark need a dentist, if not. Why does God need a creator if a shark doesn't need a dentist?




  1. I love you Christians - Standing beside you, I look pretty good.

  2. Wait, I've just found proof that god's not real. Sharks need dentists and god the magnificent make believe dude didn't provide dentists for sharks who for obvious reasons couldn't train their own dentists. Ergo if god was real sharks would have dentists.

  3. And once again you have proved that your "logic" failed

  4. toothpaste??? seriously? there are other theories as to why we exist, like, i dont know, evolution. if my toothbrush has purple toothpaste on it and is in a different spot then im just becoming senile earlier. i saw this quote the other day from another user so now im passing it on to you. eat this logic.

    " So long as the universe had a beginning, we could suppose it had a creator. But if the universe is really completely self-contained, having no boundary or edge, it would have neither beginning nor end: it would simply be. What place, then, for a creator? "


  5. The stranger has left there DNA behind on the toothbrush.And it's still wet!

    All creators grate and small have DNA and have left there imprint on the Earth.God you say is spirit and a spirit has no DNA.Therefor God has not left a imprint upon the Earth.When the time comes where we have a good complete specimen of DNA of a prehistoric creator,we will clone it.We who know physics.Knows there is no God.In other words,you can't prove the existences of a god with mathematics's.But you can prove matter and what it is made of with mathematics.

  6. So you worship toothpaste?

    We aren't really watching you, we don't exist.

  7. hahahahahah...thank you...r u imitaing Albet V cuz he asks the sam annoying questions about the dominos and the grass what next  "atheists, how can you tell a stranger ate a box of pizza without seeing the stanger"

    EDIT: i bet Albert V gave me the thumbs down!

  8. There will be footprints on my lawn.

  9. just because there is different "toothpaste", doesn't mean you know who/what put it there. therefore, you cannot say any "god" exists for that reason.

  10. OK, good point. Let me answer you:

    1. It's hard if not impossible to prove that everything has a creator. Yeah, a toothbrush has a creator (the factory), but a toothbrush is different from a Sun.

    2. Even assuming your point is proved, that the universe is created by a supreme being, it doesn't have to mean His name is Jesus, and he was born to Mary and Joseph. That just can not be proved. Christians got a book, and Muslims got books too. If Christians' point is "Islam is later than us", then I guess Mormon faith is more justified cuz it's newer :-)

    3. Again, assuming your point is proved that there is a creator, a very simple logic is: are you as smart as God? Nobody dares to say yes. Then, buddy, with limited intelligence, how can you know God well? How can you understand Him. "Well, He told us in his books?" OK, but like I said, there are many books, I can give you my book and say there's a god called Jedi, are you going to believe it?

    4. A toothbrush is made by multiple people, likewise, why do you say there's but one god?

    Think, man, using your own brain cuz that's the only thing you can trust. A stupid guy may call dad to every man who claims to be his father, because "he's my dad cuz he says he's my dad". You are smarter, I guess.

  11. ewww...........the creator left his paste all over me last night.............

    and btw, being a shark, we definentily need denists

  12. Another witty retort question.

  13. Don't bogard that joint Senor!

  14. im completly confused

    not an atheist by the way just a yahoo patroller who likes to dbl post

  15. Wow.

    God is toothpaste stains.

    Creationism has reached a new low.


  17. I can't stop laughing. thanks. It's the guy who leaves footprints on your lawn when he sneaks in and uses your toothbrush.

  18. Genkies

  19. Because.......... people don't just appear. The thing is you can see science. Look at your arm. Science. Look at your PC. Science. God didn't create your PC did he? Scientists did, therefore Science created us.

  20. your logic is so complex.  

  21. Because we evolved from monkeys

  22. Oh wow! Analogies! God MUST exist if you have analogies!! LOL!

  23. Hey tats good...

  24. Thank you for proving how ridiculous Christian claims are and how right atheist are!

    You make a wonderful recruiting sergeant for atheism!!

    Carry on the good work!!

  25. OH NOES! *head asplode*

  26. Science has other answers for how the things you see came to be.  There is no DNA or fingerprints from God there.

  27. It's not dry.

    You are very very lame.

  28. it is a sin to use a toothbrush  

  29. OK... I think you're just rambling.  What's funny is I SUPPORT Christianity and i still find your question hard to understand as one main point....

    IN fact... I think I get the point, but it's presented in such a random rambling form that I have to say "UGH...."


  30. sharks dont need a dentist because they get a new set of teeth so often. there are certain sick people that break into ur house to use ur brush. thats the worst d**n argument ive ever heard

  31. Hey, man.  If we can clone sheep, and human children in our likeness, why can't we have been created in someone else's cosmic basement?

    -Member of the Church of the Sheep Gods!

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