
Atheists, how could you give up Christianity when you were given power just because you believed?

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What other religion on earth says that you will judge angels and the world? What other religion gives you the gifts of the Holy Spirit, from Preaching, right on down to healing.

Why give up the power?

1 Corinthians 6:3

Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?




  1. I grew up and looked past the lies of the bible...i have more power now.

  2. Belief is not enough

    I need proof

    and all evidence seems to contradict, not just yours, but most religions out there

  3. Because it is their right. They have free will just like you do. Maybe they would believe more if more people had the healing gift and less had the preaching gift. Seems like their are way too many gifted with preachiness these days.

  4. They are not prideful, Lion of Judah.  They are modest.  They have no desire to judge, for good or ill.  They only dread the responsibility to judge for ill, because they think this will be necessary.

    Yes, good Christians will be the judges, but it is not because they love power, but because they will love unconditionally.

  5. I have more power as an atheist.  The power to think independently.

  6. Buddhism works quite nicely in this regard for me. And there's no judging and no preaching, two things I could do without.

  7. You can't give up something that wasn't there in the first place.

    P.S. Trying to use the Bible to prove a point to atheists is about as dumb as trying to drown a fish.

  8. Promising "powers" and actually granting them are two completely different things.

  9. No one of The Church(The True Christian Faith) has ever become an Atheist... or "converted" to any man invented religion for that matter... if you believe so then you are is error.

  10. I've seen many "healings" and they have never lasted.  The "power" the church offers is baseless.

    Why in the world would I consider myself competent to judge angels, or why would I want to - even if they existed?  

  11. Are you high? What power?  

  12. No, no. You've already posted you're-going-to-h**l stuff, right? Wrong order.

    FIRST candy, THEN stick.

  13. I read in a book once that if I only serve Sauran, I would get the "One ring to rule them all" and I would have power over the nine "ring-wraiths".

    However, just because it was in a book doesn't mean that it was true.  I'm pretty sure that Sauran, the ring of power, and the ring-wraiths are made up things, too.

  14. But I don't want to judge angels.

  15. I don't crave power. Are you saying you Christians do? My, my...  

  16. I'm leaning towards a religion that lets me set things on fire with my mind.

  17. I never "gave up" Christianity. I've been an atheist all my life.

  18. I was baptized as a pre-teen in the church I grew up in.  Attended all functions of the teen group and such at my church.  Very involved.  

    When I finally decided I had had enough of the lies, and false promises of the church, I noticed no difference in my life.

    I don't praise God, worship Jesus, or any other god or goddess.  I don't even thank mother earth.  I just live my life.

    And actually I think my life is better now than it has ever been.  I have two wonderful children, a great full time job, a wedding ministry, a better car than I have ever had, a roof over my head, food in the fridge (and that always wasn't the case) and great friends who are there for me.  

  19. The power was never there to begin with. That was just a mirage.

  20. Atheism isn't another religion so your "What other religion ..." rant is irrelevant..

  21. i dont want power, i want to be able to do what i want and believe what i want without having to worry about what some invisible man in the sky thinks

  22. thank god i'm an atheist (hahhahahha)

  23. Wrong, wrong, wrong!  When I was a Christian (which was never), I had no power.  Now, that I'm atheist (which has been always), I have the following powers:

    1.   A power boat

    2.   Power tools

    3.   An electric power lawnmower

    4.   A power trip

    5.   A solar power vibrator for my girlfriend

    6.   Electric power

    7.   The power to vote

    8.   A Power Ranger video

    9.   Power of Attorney

    10. Power drinks

    11. Power bars

    12.  A Power Puff Girl costume

    The only power I'm missing is the winning number for the Power Ball lottery

  24. To attach your ego and the sense of power to your religion shows a great deal about your belief system.

    Just because 1 religion promises a better "return on investment", doesn't make it the correct religion. Yes, it's easier to convert people when you promise such wonderful things and place a huge punishment, hanging over their head, but I don't judge my spirituality on materialism, manipulation or the ROI.

  25. They can't see it. And there is no petri dish to help confirm therefore they choose to deny true Truth.

  26. I don't particularly crave power.  Pretending you can work magic is frankly embarrassing (sorry wiccans).

  27. I've never 'given up' Christianity,

  28. Why would I want to judge an angel?  I say good riddance, what good is a power I don't want.  Give me the power to heal an amputee and I will believe, but that has never once happened...

  29. The power of healing?  Sorry I choose doctors not prayer. .

    I didn't give up anything.  Even though my family is Christian and I went to church most Sundays as a child I never believed any of it.

  30. The power was neither tangible, immediate, nor verifiable.  There is no evidence to support the assertion that I would have such power at any time, and I do not waste my time on mere speculation.  

  31. can your powers be measured and evaluated by means of science?

    I don't care about judging angels. and Christians should not judge fellow humans, either....

    ad: judging angels... first of all they are nonexistent, second, look up for answer, third, i would not dare to judge anyone better than me.

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