
Atheists, if you have christian contacts on YAs does this make you less criticizing to christianity?

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Does your language become less harsh so you won't hurt their feelings?




  1. I believe in God and Jesus and I criticize stupid christians teachings all the time.  Someone has too?


    Like eternal h**l fire torture!!!!!

  2. I have no contacts/fans. It's for the longevity of my account ;]

  3. If any of my contacts are Christians they haven't shown any disagreement or hurt from my answers or questions. And even if any where I really wouldn't care. If I hurt their feelings because of what I feel or think then it's not my fault. That may sound harsh but it's the truth. If someone is offended by what I think it's their problem.

  4. I am an atheist, and I do not criticise Christianity.  Actually, I still study it a bit.  It is a wonderful source of great philosophy, even if I don't buy the diety aspect of it all.

    However, if some rabid evangelical is persistant in shoving their voodoo down my throat, I won't pull any punches in my attempts to make them go away, and to educate them in a bit of manners.

  5. I think how harsh I speak is directly proportional to the harshness of the question being asked.  (Or the insults hurled, etc.)  When people are snide or condescending, that will actually make me lose my temper more than a direct insult.  I know I shouldn't, because the people that do that are just baiting, but sometimes I can't help it.

    The people I add to my contacts are people that I like for the most part, so I'm sure I am more careful with my language with them, but it's not something that I think about consciously.  I'm nicer because they are people that are nicer.

  6. Unfortunately, no.

    I only hope that the Christians that I care about know that I do not attack them personally.

    I cannot pretend to accept bigotry and intolerance.

  7. I try (and sometimes fail miserably) to be respectful of everyone, regardless of beliefs. That doesn't mean I agree with their viewpoint, only that I feel we all need to be treated decently.

    Concerning  their questions, I try to put myself in their situation before answering.  If I'm unable to provide an answer without mocking, then more likely as not, I'll refrain from providing an answer.

    Yes, it may appear as if I am a wuss, but I was raised to say something nice, or nothing at all. As I've stated, I fail in this everyday, but at least I try, and that is half the battle.

    Now, when there are racists in the forum, or blatant disregard concerning homosexuals, the gloves are off. I'll say whatever I please, because, while we can choose what it is we believe, we cannot choose our color or sexuality. I will not tolerate discrimination against anyone, but I especially will not tolerate racism or homophobia.

  8. NO and I have the report violations to prove it.

  9. I think this question seems like you are suggesting that athiests are mean towards Christians, when that is not the fact, at least not for everyone. Personally I wouldn't see religion as a barrier, if it was a friend I know or a contact on Y!A, I would be their friend because of their personality or because I answered someone's question and I would have no need to be less criticizing or less harsh as I am neither critical nor harsh to Christians anyway.

  10. Nope.  Although as far as I know all the ones I have don't come here anymore.

  11. It's the internet my friend, I could very well be a black female and no one will know it.  It's true freedom to hide who you really are while stating what you believe in.  Also you can be that annoying little brother and sister on here, while being 40 and mocking people like a 6th grader.

  12. this makes no sense..... being an atheist only defines someones religous belief or lack of it.... why people add other meanings to it (atheists included) is beyond me!!!!!!!

  13. I try not to use rough language when talking in R&S, people don't tend to respond to it. Also I don't condemn any religion, after all there really is no proof for God's existence or the proof of God's non-existence.

    I don't think I have any Christian contacts on Y!A because despite my normal objectivity I disagree with blind faith which is what Christians tend to display, so I usually speak out against that and I get thumbs down :(

  14. I have no Christian contacts that I know of, or someone has been lying. I try to keep my Y/A pure and Christian-free.

  15. Yes and no.  I still answer with whatever sarcasm or edge I feel I need here on Answers... but I usually avoid mentioning religion all that much on my 360 since I know my Christian contacts visit me there.  It just seems fair, since they already know I'm Atheist yet either requested me adding them to my friends list, or accepted my request for the same.  So by having Christian contacts, my 360 has sort of evolved (or to be fair, was CREATED) more for general conversation with whoever graces me with a visit.  My push has always been for a mutual respect, so it'd make me a bit of a hypocrite if I were stomping their religion on my page.

    Answers is fair game.  On the other hand, I'm much nicer when answering a question of theirs.  I will note that none of my contacts have been known to promote hate or inequality.  I'm big on that.

  16. Absolutely not!

    I am not attacking the person, I attack their religion. It is not possible to be meek when trying to save someone from a precarious and dangerous situation.

  17. No, I'll tell the truth to anyone.

  18. I don't bring it up around my sister or brother who are both xian. I guess that's something like the same thing but I don't come here to make friends. Friends in real world is one thing but as far as I'm concerned my integrity is worth more than an internet 'friendship' especially one from this place.

  19. Sometimes.

    But, the Christians who have me as contacts know what I'm about. When I go balls out attack mode, I hope they realize that some bigot set me off, and it's not about them. I also only add Christians that I think are smart enough to realize that, as an atheist, there's just going to be some things about their beliefs that I simply can't palate, but that I'm not going to judge them as individuals based on it. If they can't handle that, then they shouldn't be in my contact list. It's about learning to agree to disagree, but with mutual respect. That's how you build a friendship with someone who thinks differently from you. Hasn't backfired on me yet.

  20. To be honest with you, my language is perhaps more harsh here (harsh as in intense, not as in vulgar) to reflect my frustration at the blatant disrespect some show for different religions, for the casual attitude that many take, for the offensive remarks some make, and for the complete lack of understanding that some have. I count my counsel and guidance to many YA askers as a small part of my Christian ministry.

  21. I try to be respectful to anyone asking  real, non-hateful questions or giving an honest, thoughtful answer.  If someone is going to be silly or mean, I will most likely give a goofy reply.


  22. I've never been harsh or said things I regretted.

    However, I do hold back on things I would like to say.

  23. I do for most part, but sometimes I let an opinion slip that is less than savory leaving me to wonder what my theist contacts might think.  Still, it's honest.

  24. No. Everyone has their own beliefs. This should never hinder your contacts. I say what I feel just as everyone else does. That's the way things should be.

    As long as one person isn't pushing their beliefs on another, everything's good.

  25. I might. I don't have any contacts for YA.

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