
Atheists, is the space of universe infinite?

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If so, can you imagine if there is an EDGE of the universe?

Certainly there isn't any edge. We just cannot imagine infinite which beyond our brain understanding capacity.

If we cannot comprehend one of God's creations, then stop arguing about the infinite existence of The Almighty.

None of His creations ever resembled Himself. None.


(Thru Angel gabriel, God composed a poem describing Himself in the last Holy Book, AlQuran)


Total Verses: 4

Revealed At: MECCA


In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.


Say: He is Allah, the One and Only;


Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;


He begetteth not, nor is He begotten;


And there is none like unto Him.




  1. I don't know. I haven't visited all of it yet.

  2. dunno. therefore Odin exists.

  3. I can imagine an infinite universe, or a finite one. That fact makes neither true in and of itself.

    You are so right, it IS sort of like your god.

  4. We are currently unsure of the scope and nature of the universe. But that doesn't mean we're going to suddenly start believing in your ridiculous religion. We're just waiting for anexplanationn that makes sense.

  5. Why do you assume that because I'm an atheist, I must also be an astrophysicist?  

    I don't have any freaking idea whether the universe is finite or not, and neither do you.  The difference is, I'm okay with not knowing.

    What I do know is that you just asserted that there can't be an edge to the universe because you can't imagine it, and then tried to defend your own position that it's infinite by contradicting your own logic: saying that just because we can't imagine infinity doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

    Do you not see the idiocy in what you just said?

  6. Good argument.

  7. Francis Bacon, the famous philosopher, has rightly said that a little knowledge of science makes man an atheist, but an in-depth study of science makes him a believer in God. Scientists today are eliminating models of God, but they are not eliminating God. If you translate this into Arabic, it is La illaha illal la, There is no god, (god with a small ‘g’ that is fake god) but God (with a capital ‘G’).

    "Soon We will show them our signs in the (farthest) regions (of the earth), and in their own souls, until it becomes manifest to them that this is the Truth. Is it not enough that thy Lord doth witness all things?"

    [Al-Quran 41:53]

  8. You haven't proven the existence of god in the slightest.

  9. No!

    Universes are end to end>> forever. No edges, or end,

    And there is NO proof whatsoever of any deities, anywhere .anytime in any of these universes!

    If there were?, we would know about it, now wouldn't we????

  10. I believe the empty space of the universe is infinite, it's not too hard for me to comprehend (the idea of empty space).

    As far as this god story, it seems obviously fabricated by humans.

  11. It sounds very much like you're trying to sell us your brand of invisible sky critter ...

    AND you're trying to do it with logic.

    Fail !

    Fail !

    I'm not buying.

    Invisible sky critters were invented to scare and control peasants and children.

    "If we cannot comprehend one of God's creations, then stop arguing about the infinite existence of The Almighty."

    Just cos I don't know something I am NOT gonna rush around saying some breed of invisible sky chappie said it; that's just silly.


  12. How can you say "Certainly there isn't any edge."? This is making a pretty big assumption. For one thing, there is evidence that there is an edge to the universe. There is a uniform distance at which no further light is seen, and, my understanding is that astronomers theorize that this is the edge of the expanding universe. The idea that the universe is expanding is pretty widely accepted by astronomers. How could it be expanding if it was already infinite and did not have an "edge"?

    "If we cannot comprehend one of God's creations, then stop arguing about the infinite existence of The Almighty." The problem for you is that also implies that you should stop talking about the existence of the Almighty. This is a big problem for you. You statement implies that you should not be talking about God either and the sura you cited can be nothing but nonsense.

    A wise man once said "What we cannot speak of, we must pass over in silence." You insist that we cannot speak of God, but then you continue to talk about God.  

  13. Fallacy of Argument From Personal Incredulity. Claim fails. Grade: F-

  14. huh

  15. The 'universe', meaning all that contains energy (whether in the form of matter, energy, dark matter, or dark energy) does have a finite edge, and according to calculations by Edwin Hubble, is actually expanding. The vacuum of space in which our universe is contained, however, is infinite.

  16. How does not being able to comprehend something prove the existence of god?

    Back to the "I don't understand that. God must have done it"?

    That is too bad, thats what keeps science from progressing.

  17. The universe as I understand, is finite.

    In which case, yes, I imagine there probably is some sort of edge...

  18. Muslim, do you eat and drink? If so, can you imagine not having food and drinks for eternity?

    Certainty your can't, you just cannot imagine the terrible urge for food and drinks having lived for eternity, it is far beyond your brain  and stomach understanding capacity.

    If you cannot comprehend eternal hungriness, then you cannot comprehend how your god feel, then stop arguing about the fact the FSM created and fed your god!!

    None of it noodlness creation ever resembled itself, especially this minor creation who failed in universe creation module. This minor creation who only managed to create ONE life planets after failed for billion and billions of them !!!!

    Now, kneel and pray to his noodlness !!!! Now you understand why your god want you to experience slight hunger and thirst for a month come 01 Sep 2008 !!!!!

    (Yes it is ridiculous, what do you think you sound?)

  19. The universe is finite but does not have an edge. You can't imagine the universe sitting in a sea of nothing - that is not accurate.  

  20. The universe is Huge, so amazingly huge that it IS impossible to comprehend just how huge it is.  This proves nothing about the existence of a supreme ruler of the universe.  

  21. It's a closed manifold, finite yet without boundaries.  You know how the surface of the Earth his a finite size, but there is no edge of the Earth?  It's like that but with more dimensions.

  22. Here's a little Bible to add to your annoyance. (1Sa 2:2) "There is none holy as the LORD: for there is none beside thee: neither is there any rock like our God."

  23. Science tells us that space is finite.

    It is e - x - p - a - n - d - i - n - g.  

    Into what, d'ya think??

  24. An atheist is someone who disbelief in god(s)...cosmology is irrelevant with being an atheist.

    " is the space of universe infinite?"

    We don't have sufficient information to suggest it is

    "If so, can you imagine if there is an EDGE of the universe?"

    Yes, I can, assuming the universe is finite, which science tell us so.

    P.S. You do understand that it is pointless to post verses from your book, it's completely meaningless to mist, if not, all of us. If you can only understand why you don't believe in the Bible/Torah then maybe you'll understand why atheists don't believe in your Quran.

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