
Atheists, now do you see why Paul said women couldn't speak in the churches?

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"The war in Iraq is part of God’s plan," Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said in June in a speech at her former church.

And where did she say this at? Her church. Now what did Paul say? So now do you agree with Paul?

Palin, the Republican vice presidential candidate whose son will deploy to Iraq in a few weeks, told the students that “our national leaders, are sending [the troops] out on a task that is from God.”




  1. ... No. That was originally George Bush's sentiment about Iraq, she is just stating she agrees with that.

    Yes, Palin is stupid. That doesn't mean all women are retards.

  2. Paul said it because he was a woman hater.His "thorn"was probably homosexuality.Period.

    That being said,whether one calls it a voice from god or their own conviction,the result is the same.I am atheist but I don't fear Christians,or Christianity.I don't agree with her social views,but these constant attacks are a sign of desperation,and do not serve the purpose you intend.All I see is rabid,mindless attacks.I see the same phenomena here,with the fundies,when their argument and faith begin crumbling.I make no political statement here,just telling you as a truly independent observer that these attacks are pushing me,not so much TOWARDS her,but AWAY from the left,who have been reduced to juvenile attacks in a sign of complete desperation.Try another ploy,this one is having the reverse effect

  3. Be gone Obamite!

    I can't wait until this will all end in November!

    If Obama wins, I am taking early retirement so you young folks can support me with all the new taxes you will have to pay.

    God love you!

  4. No, I will never agree with that hateful idiot.  

  5. Still doesn't explain why men can say all the stupid things they want to in church, (see the Obama/McCain jokers) but a woman can't.

  6. I think men are equally capable of holding such delusions.

    I'm more concerned about Palin's complete opposition to abortion, even in cases of rape, her support for creationism in the science classroom, her attempt to remove books from the Alaskan public library that she disagreed with, and her view of Iraq as a religious conflict in which America is on the side of her God (sound familiar? Switch out "Allah" and you have the view of your favorite terrorist, without the methods).  

  7. See Bush .

    As well as Hovind .

    Maybe we should just ban public speaking to those who speak to " god " .

    Whats the matter cat got your tongue ?

  8. Oh Give me a break Palin is NOT a spokeswoman for us women first of all. She is a fundie politician with an agenda, it is a as simple as that Just like GW Bush. They are using Gods name as an excuse for the political agenda, namely OIL!.

  9. Sometimes they just need to be put in their place

  10. I have to admit, you make a valid point.  Not that I agree with Paul's suggestion, but I can't stand Palin's rhetoric.

  11. But, if she wasn't allowed to speak in a church, how would we ever know what she really thinks and how extreme she really is?


  12. and you want women to become christians.  you are very delusional, hypocritical, & misogynistic.

  13. Holy c**p . . . LoJ might actually have a point!

    I fear that this is a sign of the End Times™ :P

  14. Paul didn't dream up doctrine. God said women can't have spiritual authority over men or teach men in spiritual matters. Paul wrote what God wanted him to write.

    1Ti 2:12  But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

  15. Hold up everyone.  Yes, Paul did make a comment about women speaking in church.  But he was told by Jesus that we should not treat our sisters this way.  We should have compassion for what they have to say.  They have the right to speak the Lord's words with the same  passion and understanding as men.  He was constantly reminded by Jesus and the other apostles after the crucifixion. Paul had so much passion for his faith he could understand why Jesus favored Mary Magdalen over the others.  

  16. lol shez stupid

  17. No,

    stop being so self-righteous, sexist, ignorant, arrogant and extremely deluded.

    Politics and religion should be remain seperate for a reason.

  18. Men have said stupider things. It's not an issue of s*x or gender. It's an issue of religion overall.

  19. reread it its preach the gospel

  20. You really believe that if I disagree with someone I should try to keep her from speaking at all?

    Wow.  Says a lot about the fundie mindset.

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