
Atheists, the Pope believes in God, so why don't you?

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I'm PRETTY sure the Pope has more education then most people on here, which doesn't mean he's better than us though. ^_^ But anyway, if the Pope is well educated and still believes, doesn't that tell you something?




  1. Education doesn't make people smart, it's what they do with their education. The pope condemns g**s while turning a blind eye to the rape of young boys. He wears a silly dress and believes in an imaginary friend. That tells me enough.

  2. Carl Sagan didn't; and I certainly respect HIS intellect.  

  3. the pope is a man so am i

    why would the pope not debate if he is so educated as you claim he is.

    he was asked and he refused , i call that fear knowing deep inside him his faith is nothing but a myth (Resurrection is a myth)

  4. The Pope is deluded...

  5. Yes, it tells me that he likes touching little boys

  6. He is the Pope because he believes in god.

    He doesn't believe in god because he is "educated ".

    There's a difference.

  7. Not really, no.

  8. Atheists don't believe in God, so why does he?

  9. That the manager for your favorite football team better be rooting for his own team?

    It proves nothing more than you are falling into a logical fallacy. It's not legitimized because he's supposedly an authority figure. He could always be dead wrong.

  10. He's educated in Theology. c**p. Come on, now.

  11. sir, as a devout believer in the Lord, I must say that your point doesn't really register with my logic...basically, because today's educational institutions try to remove all belief from one's mindset

    school these days tries to replace religion with science, unlike the days of yore, when religious beliefs were entwined with education

  12. I'm pretty sure Einstein was one of the most intelligent people who ever lived, and he didn't believe in a personal god, so why do you?  See how easy that is.  I also doubt the Pope is more educated than me, except for maybe in catholic history.  

  13. I don't care what any one else believes because I have to make up my own mind.  And if I'm not mistaken, Christianity (to which you allude with your Pope reference) requires the individual to decide for themselves.

    If you "believe" because you're impressed with the education of other believers then you have not really chosen for yourself, you've merely followed a man, not a faith.

  14. "But anyway, if the Pope is well educated and still believes, doesn't that tell you something?"

    Well, if you want to argue appeal to authority (logical fallacy by the way), almost all theoretical physicist, who I think would have the consensus as most intelligent group of people, believe there is no personal deity.

    Besides that, the Pope is better educated than me in.... religon!  I bet he knows way more about the Bible than I do.  But that is like saying an expert in Shakespear is more educated than me.  Well yeah, in one particular (and I would say unimportant, sorry to anyone who may be this) field.  I bet I could run circles around the Pope in any math or science exam though.

  15. The Pope as part of his job description has to believe in god. Yes he has more education than most and his education is very narrow. I would not expect the Pope to be conversant in physics or social anthropology. Is his education a practical education?

  16. If he said he didn't believe in God he'd get fired.

  17. His hat looks funny.I don't listen to people with funny hats...don't trust them

  18. That doesn't mean anything.  

  19. Because I am also well educated and see no reason to believe in a fairy tale to be a good and loving person. As far as the Pope all he stands for in my eyes is money.

  20. ah- but what KIND of education does he have?

  21. He also thinks that he is christ on earth!!

    He is a man of many delusions!

    Educated or not?, I think that I will pass!!!

  22. I also believe in what i learned at my job training - how else would you trust me to fix your pc?

  23. I don't believe him. He's got that look about him.

  24. I'm a christian and i don't believe in the position the pope has.  

  25. It tells me that he was educated, so what?  There are plenty of believers who are much smarter than me (and us) but that still doesn't mean they are automatically correct.

    Intelligence doesn't denote fallibility/infallibility otherwise every scientific experiment done would immediately give the expected result, every hypothesis would be proven and there would be no margin for error.

    Plus, your argument doesn't take into the account the truly unedcuated and the dim bulbs who also follow religion, does this mean that because they are not too bright that they're wrong?

    By your model, because I'm smarter than someone, it means I'm always right and they're always wrong.


  26. You didn't say what research you'd done into the Pope's education, or what qualifications he's got.

    But let's face it, there are educated and intelligent people who believe in God. But that doesn't explain faith.

    I sometimes wonder how many middle-aged clergy there are who no longer believe in God, but who can't admit it for fear of being without a job.

    I was once a devout Catholic, until my mid-late teenage, when I realised that faith was based upon nothing but itself, and that ideas about particles/waves of matter/energy and forces interacting with each other in space-time in a finite, yet boundless, expanding universe, satisfied me as explanation about how nature works. And the Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection is extremely impressive. There was no need for supernatural beings or God, which so complicated things that it was virtually certain they don't exist.

    I've read the Bible several times right through and refer to it regularly, because it's one of my interests. I wouldn't claim to be anything like expert, but I do have a good knowledge of it. I've also read the Qu'ran, but can't claim anything like the same knowledge as I have of the Bible.

    I'm interested in understanding why people believe deeply in things that seem to me to be clearly untrue. And I've been interested in religions, mythology, folklore, fairy tales and related matters since I was a child.

  27. Stephen Hawking also believes in God, what does that tell you?  Charles Darwin denouced evolution on his death bed for the fear that he might have ended up in h**l.  I for one do not believe in God and all I'm trying to say is brainwashing reaches everyone, dumb and smart.

  28. Ok you convinced me.. I am a Christian now

  29. I belive in the Great Ju-Ju at the bottom of the sea, why doesn't he?

  30. Brain-washed perhaps,

    or maybe he likes all the bling, he's gotta make some sacrifices - right?

    Your argument is poor, thats like saying just because a person is relgious and well-educated - so should the rest of the world.

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