
Atheists, what do you say when someone sneezes?

by Guest57650  |  earlier

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I'm an atheist, but I still say "God Bless You". I never thought about how weird that is until just now. Habit, I guess. Ingrained like please and thank you.

What do you say?




  1. Usually nothing, but sometimes I'll ask, "Are you OK?"

  2. nothing happens when you die.

  3. I say, "Here's a Kleenex."


  4. "You're sooooo good looking!"

  5. After watching Dane Cook I started saying "Nothing happens when you die"

  6. Gesundheit!

  7. I say gesundheit. I only say it to horrify the people who insist on saying Bless you.  

  8. Gezuntite (sp) lol

    Selud! (Spanish)

    i don't say anything actually, i don't like when ppl say bless you because i have to say thank you like 5 times to all who say it! haha

    I'm not Atheist or into organized religion

  9. Well I am not atheist.. but I say "bless you" to be polite.

  10. I say, "Shut yer pie-hole, germy!"

  11. Same here.

    I suppose its more of a cultural thing than a religious one.

  12. Why people say Bless you instead of God bless you

  13. "A-choo"?

    Ha ha.

    I was raised Roman Catholic in which we'd say "bless you" but I just say "blesh you" now.

  14. Exact same here. Funny, that :)

  15. "Bleshyou"

    It sounds like that when most people say it, who knows the difference. lol

  16. Gesundheit

  17. I also say God Bless You. Not because I believe in god but because it's the polite thing to say.

  18. I say "Bless you, d**n it!"

    I just love saying bless and d**n in the same sentence... plus, it's like saying bless you, but with a little extra umph!

  19. Kleenex?

  20. Bless you. Sneezing isn't a religious event.  

  21. I usually don't say anything. A sneeze is a normal thing, so it doesn't require a comment.

  22. Please cover your mouth, or would you like a kleenex. Saying "God Bless You" doesn't compromise your atheism, there's no atheistic blasphemy.

  23. I say "I hope you chew your food" because that's almost how it sounds like "ah-chew"

  24. Same here! Usually "Bless you" not "God Bless You"

    But sometimes I say "Sancho". Sancho is the man that visits your wife when you're not home. So when you sneeze that means Sancho is paying your wife a visit, booty call. It's a thing I picked up from some co-workers from Central America.

  25. Nothing.

    On occasion I will ask if he or she needs a tissue.

  26. I say, "Bless you," simply because it's the conventional response in the English language.  It has never crossed my mind that this might be weird.  

    English speakers say lots of things that are even weirder than that, if you think about it.  Have you ever used a common idiom, and then wondered, "Wait, what does that even mean?"

  27. Bless you, and I believe in God

  28. I just say 'bless you' which is almost equally as insane.

    I think you're right about old cultural programmes.


  29. Nothing.  It does freak out some folks, but that's their process, not mine.

  30. "Gesundheit!" Sometimes "bless you" out of habit, but the preceding "God" part is no longer in my atheistic vocabulary.

  31. I say,

    ''okay, now, pick up your brain'!

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