Sorry, it's kind of long.
At my church I heard a testimony once about a man who was constantly drunk and got arrested for it more than once. Everyday he felt miserable almost to the point of suicide. He turned to Jesus, was saved, stopped drinking, and is now starting a new church.
I know another person who made fun of kids who believed in God when they were in high school. All throughout his schooling a friend of his would always invite him to go to church, but this person just teased him and called him a Jesus freak. Like 20 years later this person finally decided to go to church and was saved. Now he prays to God, reads his bible, goes to church every Sunday, and stopped drinking.
I was raised as a catholic as a kid and only went to church because my parents made me. I found the sermons boring and never paid any attention. I fell away from church. After I became a teenager my brother-in-law invited me to his baptist church. When I was saved I felt a strong emotion, as if I was feeling light itself. I can't really put the feeling into words, I just felt peace, joy, passion, confidence and all that. Before I viewed God as if he were distant just watching the world. Now I actually pray to God and love Him. I go to church every Sunday now.
I just don't believe that something fake can turn people's lives around like that. That doesn't just happen. Even if I were an atheists, I definatly couldn't say that nothing happened to them. What do you think?