As a Catholic, I'm asking you this so that the next time I tackle a question posted by one of you, I can make it as satisfying to you as possible. Obviously, if you don't want me to try and convince you about God, if you don't want me to quote from the Bible, or if you don't want me to say "I will pray for you" I will not.
I am a Christian but I'm also a realist, like the majority of you. I believe in concise, evidential, and real answers to hard and deep questions. And in fact, I'm a firm believer in the theory of evolution, which I believe IS compatible with religion.
Whenever I give an answer, I never insult the asker, and before I ever quote from the Bible, I back it up with real proof. I never tell anyone that they're going to h**l or that they're deluded, because I don't know whether they are or not. Sometimes I make a point to encourage them to keep asking questions and looking for answers.
Any way I can improve on this or change anything? Your thoughts are much appreciated.