
Atheists, what is your stance on abortion?

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I asked Christians before, I'm just curious on your stance.





  1. Big no-no.

    That soul thing and the fact that every human life has worth and dignity.

    Not a lib, not too conser. - must be moderate? Independent?

    God love you!

  2. Liberal.

    Personally Pro-Life.

    I would vote and support Pro-Choice however. It's none of my business, and isn't my right to tell someone else what they should do.  

  3. No for abortion. But that's just me.



  4. Liberal, pro-choice.  If it's not your body, it's not your business.

  5. Pro-choice but believe it should be discouraged as simply a primary means of birth control.


  6. It's incumbent on us.

    Unlike wild animals, humans have the power to CHOOSE to make life, AND take life. We have always had this power. It's a tremendous responsibility. Most people find it too overwhelming, so rather than TAKE responsibility for what we have always done since the beginning of our species, they pretend to put this power in the hands of imaginary deities, and convince themselves that this power is not truly ours to wield.

    That is an illusion.

    We have an OBLIGATION to chart the course of our species, and to do what is best for our species and the planet. We have an OBLIGATION to see to it that the life we create is wanted, and will benefit society. Creating life that is unwanted, or that will be a burden to society is irresponsible, and dangerous, and it is well within our scope to CHOOSE to not allow this life to be born. That is the mature, adult, responsible way to look at it. The world does not need or want millions of unwanted babies. Overpopulation is one of the biggest threats facing this planet in the next 100 years. We must abort for the survival of our species, plain and simple.

    People have no problem with the INDISCRIMINATE taking of life - wars, economic sanctions, assassinations, or the INDISCRIMINATE suicidal taking of life via smoking, drinking, drugs, unhealthy diets, but they get all enraged when we DISCRIMINATELY take life? I don't see religious people picketing McDonalds, but heart disease kills more people in a month than abortion does in a year.

    When every child languishing in an orphanage has been adopted, then pro-lifers can talk to me about abortion.

  7. I believe the woman has every right in the world to choose.  

    And I don't align myself with any party.  I'm libservative, I suppose.

  8. Pro-choice. I would never have one myself,but,some should practice birth control. The world is over-populated. Who's going to take care of these babies,they may be in for a horrible life,then.I say to those anti-abortion and birth control,bring up the babies themselves,how? I don't know.

  9. Pro-Choice.

    Liberalesque in most things, but not all.

  10. My stance is that it really is none of my business. I am not a woman thus i will never have to make that very hard decision. I do believe in personal liberty and the right to pursue happiness.

    I am neither a Liberal nor am i a Conservative. I hate those labels.

  11. I'm pro-choice.

    Generally liberal.  

  12. I'm mostly about pro-life, but I don't have any problems with people being pro-choice on the issue of abortion.

  13. Liberal Pro-Choice

    1 thing to consider as you ask this question, Christians and why really are they mainly Pro-Life? I mean Babies are all sent to Heaven, Correct? So why would Christians want to let a Baby that could possibly and Probably fail to find God and take a chance on that Baby growing up and be sent to Eternal h**l? That seems pretty cruel to me

    Also, Abortion has done more for Crime rates than all other crime stopping programs. heres why: People who mainly get abortions are the poorer people perhaps living near or under the Poverty line. These are also the people most responsible for criminal acts, (Im not biased, its the Facts). Abortion was legalized in the early 70s, crime rates continued to rise steadily then decreased substantially right around 1990, why? Because all those Babies that would have grown up under harsh condition, would be commiting these crimes and filling up Jail Cells, but wait those babies were never born. They were aborted. No matter how you feel about Morals and ethics of abortion, realize that a lot of Good also comes from it.

    What about a rape victim, should that poor lady really be forced to face the memory of that horrific event everytime she sees her son?  

  14. Pro-life, with exceptions

    I'm very conservative fiscally, and a social libertarian generally.  On social issues you'll find that I'm pretty hard to catagorize.

  15. I'm Pro Choice.

    Er... I lean towards the NDP or the Green Party... That would be similar to Liberals for Americans.

  16. Original and some people are poster children for them .........

    George Bush comes to mind .

  17. I am a Lamaist does that count as ok? Political beliefs I have none as politics is not aboutspirituality but money. Abortion is written in the book of life of the baby so therefor it is ok and just another learning experience

    Love and blessings...Lord

  18. For the most part I'm pro choice.  Politically I see myself as conservative, but socially I'm more liberal.

  19. Liberal, pro-choice.

  20. people who are against abortions believe that abortion is killing someone and this is true however, would killing someone be better if they were a burden on someone else, would lead a life of misery since the mom did not want them in the first place and become wards of the state and possibly die in the streets or be abused by their parents?  if someone is irresponsible enough to have s*x and become pregnant what makes people think they will be responsible enough to raise a kid?

  21. i am not a big fan of abortion.

    i think young ppl need to be responsible and use protection if they want no babies,

    there gotta be some limits to our pleasure  out of  this life,

    the same limits can apply to environment, animals, etc.

  22. I am pro-choice and moderate in my political leanings. I am convinced that the decision to abort or not is a woman's prerogative, and men should stop sticking their noses into issues for which they have no business. It is my fervent wish that Roe vs. Wade never be overturned by a conservative, right-wing Supreme Court.

  23. I have no political affiliation...I'm a discordian (look it up).  I do however believe in freedom.  I believe everyone should have every opportunity to make every choice.  This includes also includes deciding to be christian...which is a much bigger mistake.

  24. I hate abortion it is the murder of an innocent infant I would only consider abortion acceptable if the mother's life was in dierect danger form the child. unfortunate but the grown woman takes priority over a fetus. I'm an athiest but that doesn't automatically make me support abortion.

  25. I haven't decided yet, but leaning towards "that's a nono"

  26. Like most sane people, I am against killing innocent children simply because you don't want kids.  You already made that choice when you decided to have s*x, and we all know the risks involved there. There are plenty of other ways to have hfun with s*x without actual intercourse.  Of course, this only applies to abortion as birth control, and not any other reason.

  27. I think every woman should have the option to choose for herself. If she wants to keep the baby, then she should keep it. If she feels that she cannot take care of a child (for whatever reason), then she should have the choice.

    Isn't unconstitutional for people to not have the right to chose?

    I would probably vote for someone who wants to do something for the environment.

    Then again, I agree with the motto; Never Trust a Politician.

  28. Pro-choice.

    Registered Democrat, but my personal convictions lie further to the left.

  29. pro choice!!

    Not my body, not my decision, nor my right to judge!!

    Democrat Liberal!!

  30. Some says keep a baby.  Some says give up a baby at adoption.  Other says murder a baby.

    They have reasons.  Thankful they don't listen to single religion!  =D

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