
Atheists, which argument concerning God’s existence do you find the most difficult to address?

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Having debated theists in online forums such as this one, and in face to face meetings for over 10 years, I find that probably the most difficult one to answer is how life has any meaning if no God exists. I am not saying that this is necessarily a good argument, because I think I have addressed it sufficiently, and professional philosophers and social commentators have answered this question, but for me this one is the hardest ones to articulate. Which one do you guys think is the hardest to conundrum to address, that theists posit. Is it the cosmological, teleological, moral argument, or some other argument that you find challenging? I would just like to know how people, who are seasoned in conversing with theists, feel about which arguments are the most difficult to address.




  1. It's not really a question of how difficult the arguments are to address, but a question of how satisfying the answers are.

    There are certain questions the explanation for which -could- have been God, or could have been any number of other things - how the universe formed, for example, or whence came the first spark of life. To these questions I have to concede that it -could- have been but wasn't necessarily God. While I have a tendency to find naturalistic answers to these questions more plausible, credible and just plain likely, I cannot deny the possibility that it -could- have been God.

  2. The meaning of life is life itself. So simple that no one gets it. Live your life to the fullest. Life is meant to be enjoyed. If you aren't having fun, then something is wrong.

  3. There is no argument formed by theists, that is difficult to answer.

  4. when they bring up arguements that have no barring on whether or not there is a god. like, "what is the purpose of life".

  5. "God is the number one cause of death in the world." source Bible/History.

    George Carlin brought this to our attention.

    It's hard for me to trust and harder still to worship a mass murderer.

  6. The absolute lack of evidence for the existence of any of the thousands of gods that have been invented by man,

  7. I would have to say that the "Faith" argument is hardest to debate. Not only because it clouds the mind of the opposition but they also try to use it against you. I have a friend who believes it is faith to walk out to your car in the morning and expect it to start... I tried explaining to him it is not faith that my car will start but an educated guess, or I hope it will start, or I expect it will start.. None of which are Faith but trying to argue with someone who is engrossed in faith that my expectations of a car that was operating yesterday will will be operational today are not based on faith seems much like I am talking to a wall.

  8. Why would you find it hard to address someone making up a reason to live instead of just living as a difficult thing to address?

    I haven't actually seen one that presents any real evidence that indicates there is a god.  So it's pretty hard to say that any of them are very tough.

  9. It's not an argument as such

    It's the way that so many are closed to logic and facts and proof and think that the bible is always right - no matter what

  10. I would probably agree with you on that - the meaning or purpose of life is hard to address... but I can also point to their lack of an answer... or at least no real answer beyond "God made me because he loves me"... not to mention, very few Christians make their purpose in life a religious one... instead its usually about family and being happy.

  11. The issue of their faith. Such confidence and arrogance can only exist in total ignorance. It's a door slammed. You might as well discuss rational behavior  with a rock.

  12. The fact that you can pray all you want but it doesn't help anything. If you pray and what your prayed for happens thats just coincidence. You cannot eliminate cancer by praying, you cannot feed the hungry by praying, you cannot stay alive by not eatting just by praying that god will keep you alive.

    I could pray to a cookie for a $5 bill, then go outside and find one, and say something along the lines of, "Woah! The cookie answered my prayer", when it was just a coincidence. This cookie is no different then praying to god.

    You could also pray to god that a coin will always land on "heads" for the 50 times that you plan to flip it -- but you can guarantee it will land on tails atleast once. There has also been studys done on people that were dieing. One group was prayed for, the other wasn't but they all ended up dieing anyways. They've done numerous studies like this and god has never came through.

    No matter how well I try to explain this they don't listen. They just bring up the "yes, no, wait" option..which is no different then saying something like "we have to be patient. The cookie will either say yes, no, or wait." -__-

  13. ...belief!

  14. None, so far.

  15. The only argument I have is the fact that god has never shown himself to me  or anyone else I know.

  16. I don't believe that you need a god to have any meaning in life.  When you state that it makes living a singular issue.  There are many species that live and die in accordance with nature, I've never heard my dog wonder or have the need to believe in any deity.  We have to understand that we are a part and live in accordance with nature and should enjoy it for what it offers - not that which we demand from it.  

    There is no 'hard' ones to articulate.  Living in a world filled with fantasy offers nothing.  Understanding that we are a part of nature is not a complex issue - it is what it is - we can deny it but it we cannot defy it, it always wins.  No god/s needed.

  17. i think all their arguments are shite. So there is no real challenge.

  18. Then you are an idiot or not an atheist at all . Life has the meaning we put into it nothing more nothing less . Theists are conceited to the point of silliness in these manners as they seem to feel the universe revolves around them . They cry out it's very size proves that their god is great and had to create it just for them . Why should we be the only lifeforms out there ?

  19. I recently wrote a book about how I felt I had no choice but to ditch my beliefs in God and Christianity and now I'm an atheist. And I can say that none of the arguments for God's existence worked for me. They all failed and I quit believing.

  20. "Faith"....I mean, what can you do with that?  They're already gone.......

  21. I find it trivial to address any such arguments, as none are based on evidence that would pass any sort of scientific test.  As for this specific point, why must one suppose that life has any meaning at all, beyond the biological function to make more of it?  It is quite sufficient to enjoy the life which we have, without having any need to suppose that it has any sort of deep cosmic significance.  But recall Carl Sagan's quote: "If you want your life to have significance, do something significant."

  22. I am a Christian, but I would say that the argument of life not having meaning if God didn't exist would not necessarily prove God existed. However, it does illustrate that life sure would be much more empty and lacking in the eternal promises that the Gospel provides. Therefore, everyone should hope God exists. And the position of the atheist should be one that allows for this possibility, seeing as there is clearly insufficient evidence to disprove God's existence.

    (note: this is not to insinuate I support the idea of Pascal's one should believe in God simply to cover their bases! It should be because they have discovered a very real reason to believe).

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