
Atheists, why did you turn your back on Jesus Christ? Or what event led you to do this?

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Is this a decision that you thought about for a long amount of time, or are you just reacting to something that happened in your childhood?




  1. Your question is moot to an atheist as there is no "Christ" to turn your back on.

    There are reasons for our atheism that go beyond your comprehension level.

  2. Why do you turn your back on the idea of a perfect "God" by believing in the very imperfect, schizophrenic, sadistic, unintelligent and very, very human god concocted by primitive ignorant men thousands of years ago?

    Actually I am the believer and you are the atheist.

  3. You are a silly Billy. You shouldn't have asked such a question because every Atheist will just love to chop you down.  Atheists are a great bunch of happy people with the best sense of humor and this question will just make their day - or should I say night because it is nighttime here in Sydney at the moment.  Good night Billy, don't let let the bed bugs bite!

  4. I don't not believe in Jesus or God, I believe in them and all but I just don't worship them. I don't worship anybody. I just don't feel that any church has got it the right way, and I find at most churches there are people who are hypocrites so I don't want to be around them. So all I do is be the best me, do good and all that jazz. Its the best way to keep away from all the confusion about religion. And my parents forced me to go to church and I hated it, so thats how I realized all this religion stuff is confusing and not what I want. the end

  5. You need to develop a better line of questioning, these are lame!

    You can't turn your back on something that you've never given any attention to in the first place.  I was raised in a nominally christian, secular household with a very large family influence.  I tried to go to church to learn about christianity.  I figured I'd give it as much of a chance as I was giving everything else.  It was the biggest waste of time in my life.  The teachings were disgusting and the people in the Sunday school and church services were a joke.

    Now I'm heathen and christianity still disgusts me and I find that generally the christians haven't improved much.

  6. A number of factors contributed to my disbelief.

    The original conflict was that I could not understand how the Hebrew war god, Jehovah, and Jesus were the same...  or one third of the same being.  There is no similarity between the two.

    That led to me discovering why the Jewish people do not accept Jesus as the Messiah.  When I discovered that most of the ancient Hebrew prophesies regarding the Messiah had not been fulfilled by Jesus, it made belief even more difficult.

    Then, to top it all off, I was studying the history of the "Apostle Paul," and how so much of his writings made it to the Bible, yet most of the other Apostles <who actually witnessed the ministry of Christ> remained silent...  when I learned how what we call the Bible was compiled, I decided it was all bovine excrement.

  7. a little of both.

    I havent turned my back on anything, its just that i cant understand why people follow a set of beliefs without having any grounds to justify it as being correct or in touch with reality.

  8. No, I actually think about it daily. I like pondering these things... and I have done so because upon studying the bible, its pretty obvious its based on four other religions, and so it is unlikely to be true. Of course, this is not saying that all the things the religion of jesus christ stands for are bad things (by all means, follow the ten comandments), but because of reasons like homosexuality I refuse to follow it.

  9. I turned my back on the tyrannical dictator that supposedly is his father.  It took a while, through extensive study of the bible.  Actually, 66 men wrote the bible, so they fathered Jesus.  You know, Joe begat Fred, Fred begat Bill, Bill . .

  10. Turn my back on him? I never was facing him. It's just something g that has never been in my life. My parents didn't bring me up Christian.

    My mum went to Catholic school and she says that was enough to make anyone not believe in God.

  11. because christianity dont make sense, its common sense, think bout it, so many unanswered questions.  

  12. When he turned water in wine sounds more like voodoo magic... come on everything he was said to have done is impossible

    ANd I prefer science over religion

  13. It wasn't so much a thought out decision, I just stopped believing. I was never to keen on the god and church thing when I was you and i thought to myself, it's highly unlikely there is a god. There is nothing to prove it, my priest wants me to worship this being or I will be sent to h**l. I just don't buy into all of that.

  14. What is this thing that christians have?

    Why do they always assume that belief, or the lack thereof, is a choice?

    Can you believe, at will?

    How did you come by your christianity?

    Did you just decide one day, "I need a religion; Which one shall I choose?  I know, I'll be a christian, there is a church, just down the road"?  Or was there more to it than that?

    If there was, why do you assume that we became atheist, by simply choosing?

    For some, it was a gradual process, assisted and cushioned by education.

    For others, it was a far more traumatic experience.

    When your faith is so great, that it finally forces a choice on you;  either the bible is a lie, or your god does not exist.

    That gets hairy.

    That really is, between h**l, and a hot place.

    I have never known an atheist who chose to be so.

    I am not refering to children, or idiots, going about telling the world, " I'm an atheist, and I hate God", I am talkin about people who know what an atheist is.

  15. Why did you choose a non-existant being?  Is this a decision that you thought about for a long amount of time, or are you just reacting to something that happened in your childhood?

  16. i am not a atheists,but i thank thay never got to know him there family never went to church, thay diding turn there back, noone ever told them about the love of god. we are what we learn in our homes as kids, thank you mom for taking me to church,

  17. I haven't turned my back on anyone, if Jesus lived, it was long before I could ever have met him.

    As far as I can remember I have never believed in any religion, even as a child I regarded these things as stories and understood that some people believed them to be true, I was exposed to religious people, I went to church with my best friend who is catholic nearly every sunday, and although I was curious to understand these stories and specially their place in history, I don't remember ever seriously wondering if the whole thing could be true. My parents are not atheists, it's just my natural state:)

  18. Quite honestly? and this is not meant to be mean, but it is because of people like you and others in groups like this that we have done it. you guys are the cause. Most of you are very mean and nasty people. But hey, if you truly believe what you preach, You are judged by your fruit and most of you are indeed sour grapes. I have met a few really nice Christians, but over all, most of you are not.

  19. First, they don't believe Jesus was the "christ."  "Christ" means "messiah."  Only Christians, out of all the world's peoples, believe Jesus was a "messiah" of any sort.  

    I might as well ask you, "Why did you turn your back on Zeus," when the whole notion of believing in Zeus is silly to you.

    What led me to do so?  Common sense.  He was a nice Jewish boy who taught some basic Judaism, and that's all.  He was no more the Messiah than YOU are.

  20. I always doubted Christianity because not only does it not make sense but a lot of the beliefs are plain stupid. Adulterers should be stoned? Premarital s*x is a sin? Homosexuality is a choice? I'm sorry but no, just no. And yes, the bible does say that adulterers will be stoned to death, along with many, many other 'sinners'.

    Richard Dawkins was actually the person that opened my eyes to the fact that Atheism is not something to be ashamed of and that not believing in God is an intelligent way to look at life and something that you should embrace and not shy away from. From there I was able to think critically and rationally about all religion and am now an Atheist (or tooth-fairy agnostic, if you prefer. They're one in the same, anyway)

    I choose science over faith because it is the intelligent thing to do and I never had real faith to begin with because I always trusted science, evidence and facts.

  21. This was not a decision that came easily.  I was raised in a devout Christian household and attended Christian schools up through the 12th grade.

    As I grew older, I realized that there was little, if any, solid evidence of the existence of God.  Oh sure, there are pieces of evidence that can, through subjective examination, at best hint at the possibility of the existence of a deity God, but I saw far more evidence that such a being does not exist.

    As for Jesus, I believe that such a man may have existed.  However, since I don't believe in God, I don't accept that Jesus was anything more than a mortal man without any divine powers or divine lineage.

  22. Here we go again...

    Whatever in the world gave you the idea that I've turned my back on anything?  How about if some people are just wired right from birth?  Did that ever occur to you?  I haven't fought anything much less the stupid need to believe in something that doesn't exist.  And, yeah, maybe I'm reaching out to something that happened in my childhood, at birth, actually when I was born right the first time!  Sheesh...

  23. I suddenly had an overwhelming sense of reality.  I think I was ten at the time.

  24. It happened gradually, from age 12-14, as I began reading mythology, and realized there was no difference.  

  25. I was Eastern Orthodox originally.  Then I just realized that the christian god did not exist.... all this stuff about love, he loves us, we are his children, but he wants us to kneel to him and worship him.  Seemed more like slavery to me.  And if he loved us so much, why the guilt?  If my girlfriend loves me, why should i feel guilty about that?  Unless i cheated on her.  But I never wronged god.  So why should I feel guilt about just being human?  Because of a fairy tale of some chick eating an apple that was given to her from a TALKING SNAKE?

    Well, i became atheist.  Then when I learned that there were still polytheistic religions, i started to learn about those.  I had always been interested in the way things were done before christianity.  It just made more sense when i read about it.  The more I learned, the more real it seemed, and the more it made sense.  And here I am now, Asatru and PROUD, without "sin" or guilt, but strength.  And the greatest thing about polytheists?  We are free thinkers.  Evolution does not contradict my beliefs in any way.  The more we learn about science, the more we learn about the natural world, the closer it brings me to my Gods, for the more I learn about the world, the more I learn about them.

  26. I turned my back on Jesus the same way that I turned my back on Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy. I never bought into this nonsense in the first place.

    Therefore there is no particular event to report. I did think about religion for a while and still do occasionally, but the result is always the same: it's all utter nonsense.

  27. I've always been Atheist, so I was never even facing Jesus, never mind turning my back on him!

    I never believed in any sort of God and I have no reason to think I ever will.

  28. To even ask the question is to completely miss the point.

    One cannot turn one's back on an imaginary being.

  29. I'm not necessarily atheists, because i dont believe in any religion.

    I was raised Jewish and just think that religion is dumb.

    My back was never turned to JC because there is no proof of him.



    - Rianna™

  30. I was never a Christian.

    I never decided to be an atheist.  One day I just realized I was one.  I have no memory of ever believing in god.

    And, please realize religion is not binary.  It's not just Christian and atheist.  It's a big big world out there.

  31. Atheism seemed like the best theory to me. I don't think of it as "atheists vs. the Christians" or "turning my back on Jesus" kind of thing like a lot of people here seem to. I have family and friends that are Christians, and I have no need to make everyone hate me like some of you seem to want.

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