
Atheists, would it be fair?

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To point out bad actions by individuals who claimed to be atheist, and then apply that bad behavior to all atheists? You know, like a broad-brush approach?

If not, why do atheists who do the same thing to other groups get so many "pats on the back" by their fellow atheists here at R&S? (You know what questions I mean, the "If Christianity is so...then why...?" questions, and their ilk.)

Just curious...




  1. Atheists are too smart to use the sweeping generalization fallacy :P

  2. What you describe applies to virtually all people, regardless of their religion (or lack of).

  3. Of course not.

    But consider the thumbs downs we receive after pointing out errors in the Bible.

  4. Sure but if you apply that brush to atheists you also have to apply that brush to aleprechaunists.

  5. People will always do that not just with religion

  6. Because we don't claim to have a lock on morality.

    When you see ten questions a day about "Where Xians get their morality from" then you'll have a point.

    And because we don't engage in paranoid No True Scotsman fallacies when atheists do indeed do bad things.

    Don't get on a pedestal if you don't want to be knocked off, pal.

  7. A belief in some elaborate proposition can motivate actions.. for example, believing God wants you to do something crazy and stupid.

    On the flip side, a lack of belief in God isn't a motivating factor in any way, it's just a lack of theism.

    To illustrate the point.. imagine that someone believes the Grinch is real, and speaks to him, and he goes out and kills in the name of the Grinch. Now, imagine someone who does not believe the Grinch is real kills someone. Was it the lack of belief in the Grinch that motivated the second person?

  8. I feel little to no kinship on this site. I have not met a single person in my lifetime who shares my own religious theology. I think this is pretty normal with Atheists. You seem to be stretching a shaky point at best, and trying to construe a theory, but it just does not exist, sorry.

  9. No, just like I don't want the ignorant, bigoted, homophobic words of some Christians here being applied to me...

  10. Atheists are fighting for recognition as a group created to rebel against the religious. They will either keep their house in order and curb the actions of their lower ranks of hecklers and abusive trolls or will be destroyed for the misdemeanours of the same.

    You are an orthodox religious, religious, a truth seeker, arelgious, meaning of no specific religion. Anger against God is a personal issue. Vengeance or abuse towards the world Father is met with equally harsh punishment as insurrection or treason is.

    Atheism seeks to destroy the standing of the faithful and God, God reciprocates in kind. If the hierarchy of atheism especially on this forum resent the mistreatment of their minions they will find God too is horrified that his little soldiers are being preyed upon by the devils creed. It is war. War is harsh as will life be for those who rally against The Almighty Father.

    If atheists are unhappy with society let them take on their governments and local councillors or senators, if they dare, or approach their local media. They don’t because the said forces fight back. The House of God is indeed divided into the many religions. That is Gods greatest weakness. It will be remedied in time. Let those seeking to berate or blaspheme against the Almighty Father take note.

  11. No.

    But since Christians universally claim to follow the Bible, it is fair to use that against all Christians.  So there is a way that you can be fairly painted with a broad brush.

    Sorry that atheists don't have anything similar.

  12. Christianity is a religion filled with dogma, as is LDS.  Atheism just like theism is not.

    It depends on the question, and if it actually applies to the dogma, or is a broad generalization.  I agree with you, that sometimes generalizations are made about Christians that are grossly unfair.  I have done it, most people have.  You are also guilty of it for other groups, as I have come familiar with you as well.

    It is just poor behaviour on all of our parts.  It is more than okay to point it out.  I've been called out on it, and am usually apologetic when I have seen it.  When you see it, just point out the hypocrisy.

  13. Christians like to point at atheist leaders and tyrants and say look he's just as bad as our crusades/inquisitors/kiddy fiddling priests/etc.

    Most of those atheist tyrants they point out build personality cults around themselves that are psuedoreligious. Plus a religion is a binding mindset that links people together, atheism is a simply a single thought that many disparate people possess. It doesn't make us lump together and go round bashing non-atheists in the head.

  14. same reason as  "believers asking if atheism is/atheists are so then why....questions" and they too get "pats on the back" from fellow believers

  15. This is done by every class; group or religion to try to enhance their status while cutting down their opponents.

  16. I don't do this. I also don't make the mistake of actually equating actions of some members of a group as being applicable to the whole. I do think there is a bit of merit though in pointing out the actions of some religious people as the allegation is often made that they are somehow morally superior and that without god beliefs people can't be decent or form a decent society. The facts don't actually bear this out.  

  17. No it is unfair, that is why most atheists I know do not use sweeping generalizations, and if they do they point out "most" or "some" or other modifiers to make sure no one will think they are generalizing. But alas, some still think it. The same could be same for all people. We all generalize. Why pick on just atheists? Why do some blacks generalize white people as rich and powerful? Why do some whites think that all blacks are gangsters and racists? Why do some Christians think that all atheists are immoral b******s? See, it can be done for everyone. No need to apply it to just one.  

  18. Atheism is not a shared philosophy. There is no monolithic body of beliefs all atheists adhere to.

    However, Christians all work from the same basic assumptions. Also, with atheists, there is nothing to stop us from doing bad stuff.

    Nobody ever says "How could he do that, he's an atheist!"

    But Christians claim they have a God that promotes good and opposes evil. Nothing I perceive bears this out.

  19. We support each other, arent y'all supposed to be doing that very thing as well?

  20. unfair

  21. So you generalize all atheists to accuse them of generalizing Christians.

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