
Atheists, would you agree that if we experience hunger, then food must exist, likewise if we want friends

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then friendship must exist, and if we long for something that no amount of money, s*x and success can satisfy there must be something out there that can? And if so, what is that something?




  1. Imagine if you told a young child all about this great new video game.  About how amazing the graphics are, and how it's about all the child's favourite things, how incredibly fun it is, et cetera.  The kid's going to want the game, right?  And yet there is absolutely nothing preventing you from saying these things even if the game doesn't exist.

    Just because you can think of two instances in which people often desire things which exist, does not mean that people can only desire things which exist.

  2. Wishing for something does not make it real.  That type of logic is something that our CAVE MAN ancestors or young children might believe in.

    I don't believe in dragons. I know of dragons, yet I deny that they exist. I do not think that makes dragons real. The evidence for dragons seems to me insufficient at this time.

    I will happily change my denial to affirmation if someone can show me dragons.

    I would quite like there to be dragons, hopefully friendly, but wishing does not make them real.  And always longing for something seems to be an evolutionary trait, not a proof of god's existence...sorry.

  3. I want a boyfriend with fifty hands and a v****a.

    Does he exist too?

  4. companionship

  5. as an atheist i pledge that i do not know everything, and that i will not make something up to replace that which i long for

  6. I think you are getting confused about cause and effect.

    If lightening strikes a tree that doesn't imply the tree desired the lightening or even that the world was designed by some higher being just so the tree could be stuck.

  7. I know what it isn't: god(s)/goddess(es) and religion(s).

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