
*Atheists* Can you please help me disprove something?

by  |  earlier

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So my brother is making an argument for Islam. He says that it is mathematically perfect. He showed me this site: koran speed of light&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=10&gl=us

and some others to prove the Quran's scientific knowledge. can you help me disprove this info?




  1. That description is hardly proof it reads deep into a few words that could be viewed as meaning many things.

    To Him, the day is equivalent to one thousand of your years. Time is relative the Lords perception of time is not the same as ours. Time being relative was predicted by some greek philosophers, though they did not have the means to prove it or express it in equation. It is not too big a leap to say the person who wrote the Quran (if indeed a man did) subscribed to these beliefs despite the fact they were not widely held but were known to the muslim world.


      " [ 32:5] All matters are controlled by Him (GOD) from the heaven to the earth. To Him, the day is equivalent to one thousand of your years.

    the Quranic expression "of your years" leaves no doubt as to our understanding of the year as the lunar year.

    The verse begins with a reference to a certain "cosmic affair" which GOD creates and commands. This affair travels, permanently through the whole universe between the heavens and the Earth, so speedily that it crosses in ONE DAY a maximum distance in space equivalent to that which the moon passes during ONE THOUSAND LUNAR YEAR (i.e. during 12000 Sidereal months). The question which pause.; itself now is: what could this cosmic affair be? and what is its greatest velocity as expressed in this Quranic equation?.

    To answer this question. The above Quranic verse has been understood** in terms of the following equation:

    Distance crossed in vacuum by the universal cosmic affair in Osle sidereal day = length of 12000 revolutions of the moon around the earth. "

    This suggests the moon orbits the earth once a month and twelve times a year it does not. The moon revolves around the earth every 27.3 days.

    This site is specifically using misinformation to propogate an opinion. One that isn't held by many muslims. And it misrepresents the views of those who's opinion it claims to be giving.

  2. sorry but I'm not clicking on that link, it looks like it'll give me a virus;...

  3. Can you ask your brother which verse and surah (chapter)in  the Quran mentions the speed of light.

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