
Atheists- Do you guys beleive that we have evovled from apes?

by Guest66998  |  earlier

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I am doing a project about that...




  1. No, I believe Atheists evolved from religious zealots.

  2. How are u gonna document ur source...u know we are all crazy on here.  LOL

  3. Apes and humans evolved from a common ancestor.  Not every single atheist believes this, but most do


  4. No, but if I were an atheist, I would be offended by this question. Anyway, interesting project. What class is this for?

  5. Not believing in our being created by a god is one thing. Believing with certainty that we evolved from apes is another. After all, science is an ongoing process with new discoveries all the time, which includes amending past conclusions made before new critical discoveries. Also, sometimes knowledge is taught in an overly simplistic way, like everyone's finger print 'is' unique. I would not be surprised if the theory about our evolving from apes changes tomorrow. By the way, I'm agnostic.

  6. Of course.  We have the same recent ancestry as all the other primates.  We're all cousins many times removed.

  7. The evidence is so numerous as to be undeniable - scientists have believed we have evolved from an ape-like ancestor for 100 years or more, and the theory has been getting stronger as time goes on.

    Evolution is one of the most empirically-supported scientific theories of all time - in a sense, it is already 'proven.' Some of these proofs:

    1. DNA similarity - our DNA is undeniably similar, for more information look up Human Chromosome 2 on Wikipedia or Google.

    2. Fossil evidence - we have many, many fossils that are transitional fossils between modern humans and our ape-like ancestors. Some examples are Australopithecus afarensis, Homo habilis and Homo rudolfensis.

    3. Anatomical similarities - our anatomical similarities to apes are numerous and well-studied.

    Even if we were to remove one or two of these lines of evidence from the theory of evolution, we would still have enough information to deduce that we share a recent ancestor with apes.

  8. yes I do.

    our DNA is only different by 2%

    and we both have opposable thumbs

  9. You owe a thank you to the nice people who answered this question as if it deserved an answer.

    I am really trying to do answers that are friendly so I will avoid this particular one.

    You might be surprised to know that we also do not think the earth is only 6700 +/- years old!

  10. I believe that humans and apes evolved from the same life form, not that we evolved from apes.

    And my belief or disbelief in a god really has nothing to do with my belief in evolution.

  11. no...

    i accept evolution. that apes and us have a common ancestor...

  12. I like science.  Its good enough for me. :)

  13. if apes start talking one day you will see. they can do sign language. if one mutant comes along it will breed and eventually the will all be singing and shouting. i bet they could start a band and get a hit record.

  14. Yup. though it may sound a bit absurd not to mention that this theory is against the teachings of religion but we do have scientific, archeology, genetic proof plus years of extensive research to really attest that modern man really evolved from the apes.

  15. Atheism is the absence of belief in a supernatural being. The origin of humankind and things, is the natural evolutionary of biological and mineral forms.

  16. We are apes and you shouldn't have to be an atheist to realize that.

  17. no. apes and humans once had a common ancestor that people refer to as "the common ancestor". later, the common ancestor speciated and branched off into different species. human evolution models suggest that humans used to be robust, had large brow bone, sloping face, slouching posture, and are thought to be hairier than modern humans. So the branch that led to homo sapiens looked similiar to apes somewhere along the line but were not apes.

  18. No. Just you.

  19. I don't think you are asking the right question. The issue is if humans are here on earth as a result of continuous changes and adaptations of prior forms of life.

    To believe or not to believe in evolution or creationism is totally immaterial and senseless.

    We have to observe the reality around us, not try to hide it  behind religious dogmas or other beliefs that cannot be proven.

    The essence of human life is concentrated at the level of the DNA. This is a simple and irrefutable fact.

    Scientists can identify defects in chromosomes responsible for many diseases and congenital malformations.

    The earliest and best known is Down's syndrome.

    All children with Down's syndrome have the same defect.

    The composition of our chromosomes is extremely close to the chipanzee. Our red cells are almost identical in structure.

    This is a fact that cannot be ignored.

    The real question is this: Are all these scientifically proven facts mere fantasy?

    If you believe in Creationism, they have to be pure fantasy, more than Creationism itself.

  20. I know people who still resemble apes so we had to evolve from something similiar if not.

  21. No! That's absurd.

    People didn't evolve from apes, the two of us evolved from a common ancestor, as detailed in Charles Darwin's the origin of species and the descent of man, which I accept, as all credible scientists do, as common sense.

  22. Well I'm not an atheist....but I have a lot of questions about Adam and Eve and the Bible that could not be answered by our head of the Church. For instance....if Cain was banished to the other side of the earth for killing did he get there? And as the Bilble said he married and bore children...then who was his wife? An ape or a fish or what? I thought we were supposed to descend from Adam and Eve! Guess we will never know....

  23. Yes, but not exactly apes, from primates, and there are evidence of evolution and when in this world are you guys going to start to believe that. WE EVEN HAVE THE EVIDENCE OF EVOLUTION PEOPLE.

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