
Atheists...How would you feel if your children told you they had found that Christianity worked for them?

by Guest60744  |  earlier

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no name: I sincerely hope you are being sarcastic




  1. Well, this is their life. It is their choice.

    I do my best to raise them and get them to understand life. And most importantly, I teach them the meaning of humanity.

    But if they ever get into trouble and they ask for my help, BE DAMNED SURE THAT I WILL DO MY DAMNEST TO MAKE SURE THAT THEY GET OUTTA THERE FOR GOOD!

  2. its up to them!

  3. The I would like to see the evidence that is for sure. For the record non of my children had taken into religion that seriously.

  4. i would be fine with it.

    although i WOULD be a little bothered because i would have raised them to think on their own and weigh evidence before makin conclusions.

    needless to say i dont think itwould happen...but if it did i would be fine with it.

  5. Whatever works. I'll keep an eye in case they become bigoted towards some minorities.

    Most forms of Christianity are actually rather harmless.

  6. I'd probably ask them specific cases to prove their point, and then nicely refute them one by one.


  8. "More power to you."

    I honestly wouldn't care.  In fact, I would raise them with an open mind and the right to their own beliefs or lack thereof.

  9. 1. There is no way known that a child of mine would ever get sucked into believing in invisible magicians in the sky.

    2. They would already know that I am very interested in the psychology of religions and their followers.

    3. They would also know that I'd love to talk to them about LogicReason and CriticalThinking.


  10. Fine, that is their descision although i would think them wrong.  

    However if they tried to minister to me they would be disowned instantly.

  11. Whatever works for them. I'd be fine with it. It's their choice to make once they become aware of the world. My Christian mother is not bothered that I am atheist and we are best friends.

  12. If that happened I would still love my daughter despite her belief, even if it estranged us.

  13. A. If they leave me alone, fine.

    B. If they don't, they are going to have a debate with me.

  14. Do as they like, but if they get preachy they had better hope Jesus can pay for their college education.

  15. hahahaha not happening he is too smart

  16. I would be very happy because Im a christian!

    but if they told me they were athiests...I would say.. "GO YOU!"

  17. I'd respect their decision...

    Hey not all of the teachings of Christianity sound wrong... some of it is righteous...

    But they better not bring up anything about me being possessed by demons...

    Or out of the house. lol. :)

  18. It would depend entirely on which particular variety of Christianity they'd got into.  Some of them are alright, others are stupid (anything that requires you to believe the world is only a few thousand years old, for example) and some are downright creepy.

  19. Well, first of all it's their life, not mine. I have no right to tell them, at any age, what religion they have to follow. If they're five and want to be a Christian, then so be it. It's not my right to decide.

    Secondly, as long as their beliefs are working for them, why should it bother me? It's their life, not mine, and I'm not going to be mad that they found a belief they're happy with.

    I am Agnostic-Pagan, and it works for me. I realize that it's not for everyone, as everyone has to find their own path. I also have no concrete proof that I have the only correct religion, but neither does any other belief. So how could I tell my children that I was even right? How could I make them obey beliefs that they don't actually believe, and that I cannot 100% prove?

    I truly hope that when I have kids, they'll be open-minded, but also critical thinkers that use logic. I can't see a kid of mine refusing scientific fact as kid I have will ever be taught that the world is only 2000 years old, or that it's possible the human race came from just two people, or that they have to obey something no one can prove exists. That said, if they somehow end up believing that, it's their life.

  20. Hopefully by the time they grow up christianity will just be a historical relic.

  21. honestly?  I'd be a bit disappointed.   But I'd encourage them to ask questions constantly -i f they really thought about it and examined the information and think they've found something that works, fine.

    I wouldn't accept any intolerance or ignorance though

  22. As long as no one brainwashed them, I would be ok with it. My main concern would be their happiness and well being, and if that worked for them, then I would be happy with it.

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