
Atheists: If God did exist, what significance would it have for you?

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How would the existence of God affect your world view, outlook, and decisions in life? Would it have any impact on these things at all?




  1. Which god would that be?

  2. Either you believe or you don't there is no between.

    If it exist, well, I don't know, would you like to sleep a person that could stab you anytime it desire?

  3. Not much really. I strive to be a good person in society. It has nothing to with God.

  4. Not an atheist but I guess they would not change their philosophies - but then again empirical proof is required.

  5. Not really.

    I have always said that even if their was a God, it wouldn't matter.

    I owe nothing to him.  He has done nothing for me or my family.  So why should I care?

  6. If the Christian god existed, i would have to give him a stern talking to.

    I would also ask if he would kindly delete my soul from existing, so that i don't have to bother with all that tedious eternity.

    I would then flip him the bird and upload my neural pattern to machinery, becoming immortal in the process, and then go on a never ending search for a mean to give him the colossal *****-slap he so deserves.

    Its all good, i have my own back, and he's too much of a ***** to intervene, also, Judgement day only appears to happen on earth, so if i'm in space i should be set.

  7. It would raise a few interesting puzzles, not least, where it came from.

    Then there would be the need to contain and control it: Such power is dangerous, and gods are shown to be, at best, capricious, in all mythology.

    Failing that, how to kill it.

  8. I must inquire, which god? Probably not do much to my views. If he is as leet as people say he is, me worshiping him wont change squat. h**l, I would probably demand some answers for some of the **** that has been going down. Then, I would request to see his CV to make sure he is qualified to do his job, cause in my opinion, if god does exists, god ain't doing it's job.

  9. God is our creator and has given us all the various things in our life including our life itself. Everyday we wake up in the morning to live another day due to His grace. This life on Earth is precious as it is the only region where spiritual practice can be done to attain the ultimate purpose of life.  

  10. It's my life Baby!  

  11. We'd have to get on our knees and grovel to whatever the Deity wants. But that is what anyone would do to someone that can offer them lots on one hand and death on the other... But most people that offer than at least make themselves seen...

  12. If he did exist suddenly, it will be disturbing as more questions arise. But for now


  13. Christians: If Popeye the Sailor Man did exist, what significance would it have for you?

    How would the existence of Popeye the Sailor Man affect your world view, outlook, and decisions in life? Would it have any impact on these things at all? Would you fights to the finish if you eats your spinach ?

  14. Well, I would want to know which God it was that suddenly existed. Then I'd be pretty angry that it's letting people die horribly and letting little kids starve, while proclaiming to love us.

    I wouldn't worship something vile.  

  15. If a god did exist, this would shatter my world view. The world would not make sense any more. I'd probably seek psychological treatment.

    However, since no god exists, everything is ok right now :)

  16. If I accept your hypothetical, of course it would have an impact.  Would I then know which religion is the "right" one?  Because I'd become a follower of that religion.  Will there be an afterlife?  If so, that would change my views about death (my own and those of others).  Will there be eternal punishment for certain actions?  I would make sure I avoided those actions.  I would certainly think differently about things if God existed.

    But I don't think he does, so it's purely a mental exercise.  What significance would it have for you if you found out God didn't exist?

  17. If any god existed, it'd prove that he's a b*stard for not doing anything the last couple of thousand years.

  18. God does exist so I would be living the same!

  19. i suppose it would.

    i'll wait until god comes to talk to me before i think about these things though.  

  20. Not too much. If it were like the god told about in the Bible, I'd see it as a malevolent force to be resisted. If willingly going to h**l were the only resistance I could muster against it, that would be what I would do for the little insult it would be to such an ego-maniacal monster.

  21. That depends on the God you are talking about, I suppose.

    Really, your question is too vague to come up with a good answer to, because so many other corollaries accompany it - which God, which afterlife, what amount of free will do we have, and so on.

  22. I would have to say that if a god existed, it would either be a very "hands off", unconcerned god, or a very devious one.  There is nothing that objectively points to a grand designer or a personnel god.

    To put it differently, if there was a god or gods, there is no reason that it or they would deserve our worship or adoration.

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