
Atheists: What Are Your Stances On Suicide?

by Guest67017  |  earlier

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Do you think it's a basic human right for anyone who wants to take their own life to be able to do so? Or do you have any other feelings and thoughts about suicide?




  1. Everyone should have the right to kill themselves as long as they do not harm any one else's right to continue living.

  2. ugh yea.

    if they want to kill themselves then they have the right to.

    (i dont think they should do it in a public place)

    but what are you gonna do?

  3. I don't think anyone should be able to take their own life arbitrarily. People who suffer from mental disorders like severe depression, and might be inclined to take their own life to end their suffering should be treated. In cases where someone has a terminal disease, and prolongling their life for a negligable period of time would only cause intense suffering and a non-existent quality of life, I think voluntary euthenasia should be an option. I like the way Pangloss put it. Most of the time, suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem, and shouldn't be allowed except in the most extreme and hopeless circumstances.

  4. I think it is usually a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

    If you are asking about a person who is in chronic pain with a terminal illness, then I think they should be given the same consideration we give our pets when they are terminally ill and in constant pain.

  5. If they wanna die let em

  6. Of course it is an individuals right.

    That's not to say I promote it or support it.

    I think it's a horrible choice.

    But it's not my choice.

  7. If someone has come to a rational decision to end their life, then that's their right.

  8. I think it's their right, but everyone else's duty to make sure they don't. If you know what I mean.

  9. If it's because of a terminal illness, then it's fine.  In those cases we should be allowed to do what we want.  

  10. Depends on the circumstances. Many cases of depression can be cured or at least helped. If its a chronic situation where you will die in agony or pain anyway, I should have a choice.

  11. I dont condone it, and i do think we should do everything we can to prevent someone from taking their own life, but ultimately the choice to live or not rests in their hands, and if they no longer want to live then so be it

  12. If someone is truly miserable then they should take their own life.

    Why would you want someone who is in misery live a miserable life just because you think suicide is wrong?

  13. I believe in the case of terminal illness, suicide is a valid option.  There are good odds that I will, in the future, choose the time, place and manner of my death.

    The reality is... if someone really wants to die, they will... and no one will stop them.

  14. Without religious reasons, if a person has no moral difficulties with it, then yes, suicide is an option.

    It's rough on the survivors, though.

  15. nothing, but once the suicidal is gonna go amok and shoot/stab anybody in order to get a death penalty now that's  different.

  16. As long as it is really well thought out and not a mental illness, I don't have a problem with it.  It is especially fine with me in the case of painful terminal illness.  We treat our pets better at times.

  17. Anyone, who chooses to take their own life, is able to do so. Has nothing whatever to do with rights or what anyone thinks.

  18. sure, its their life, they want to kill themselves its up to them


    i know its caused by biological issues and if they got the right medication, that woudl usually help them feel better and not want to resort to suicide

    i personally think its silly to let a biological brain problem dictate your life, and being a sufferer of depression, having suicidal thoughts and other biological issues doing so and taking control of them, i understand their views, but i also understand the biology and reality of it too and know it can be controlled and they can be helped and that its not worth letting it get that far when there is a soultion

  19. If people want to kill themselves then it is their choice.

    They have a right to, since it is their life.  

  20. absolutely. i didn't ask to come here (to this planet) so,  i think i should have the right to leave when i want.

  21. Sometimes suicidal people are out of their mind. Some cases of Euthanasiaia I can agree with, but some cases of suicide is when the person is out of their mind and make a big mistake.

    It's illegal in the UK anyway, so here it's bad to take your own life.

  22. Suicide is a deeply tragic choice for anyone driven towards it. Euthanasia, on the other hand, is a choice we should all have when the alternative is an extended period of agony that will end in painful death anyway.

    What's the alternative? Outlaw suicide and impose the death penalty for people breaching it?

  23. As an atheist and a rationalist, I think it's perfectly morally acceptable for someone to commit suicide, so long as they have no standing responsibilities or obligations that haven't yet been fulfilled. So it is immoral to kill yourself if doing so would prevent you from keeping your end of a bargain, but so long as all the deals have been sealed, you're entirely within your rights.

  24. I don't like suicide, of course. It's almost never a good thing. I frequently help comfort my best friend when she feels suicidal and try to talk her out of it.

    Suicide should DEFINITELY be discouraged, but when it comes down to it, a person does have the right to die I think.  

  25. >>>Do you think it's a basic human right for anyone who wants to take their own life to be able to do so?

    Yes they do.

    >>>Or do you have any other feelings and thoughts about suicide?

    I have little time for quitters.

    If they have to top them selves, then the sooner the better.

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